
I completely disagree with your notion that the world would be closer to peace without superpower nations than with.

Ah, but your thinking in terms of today's nations and such...remember my theoretical scenario was going back to right after WWII. Which I think, the buildup to WWII and the subsequent cold war further build up of US defense was the period where the US went from power to superpower, to THE superpower...militarily.

One thing I dont get is, if it is such bad technology.....why are the Russians so worried about it? If it was so obviously bad, then they, or the chinese would not give a rip if it was installed in Eastern Europe, Western Europe or right at the doorstep of the Kremlin?

Thats how I keep my job despite posting to Kotaku a few times during the day....working the magic with Excel and Access.

Don't need a macro....use conditional formatting.

WTF is PC Load Letter? Alright, alright..lets do THAT!

Yes, if we get a 3rd day in a row with another report on how awful the big mean old military industrial complex is so awful I may be concerned this is becoming a trend.

And Tang!

Actually I am a big fan of the authority...watched this and hoped I would be given the choice to work with them in the game. Long live The Man!

I kept thinking, well, I hope it gives me the choice of backing the authority instead...

First thought I had was post apocalyptic...seems like a pretty jur-rigged setup for a windfarm. Like a set of windmills setup down in the desert / valley, sending power up to the mountain hideaways of the rebel army!

Now, one thing I disagree with is, I dont think that Android is the #1 smartphone platform in the world because people just fucking like it.

I think that like the iPod touch, the Zune HD is not long for this world...

I agree with the article / idea here...have had my android EVO for a year now, and frankly it can be bit of a pain sometimes to deal with. I am not going to jailbreak my phone, not going to run out and search for just the right third party app that I want my phone to do better in the first is just a pain

I think in some sense they realize that, and so they go a different approach, focusing on spending money to secure limited time exclusive DLC, game releases and such. Whereas Sony just buys the whole darn developer to secure lifetime exlusivity,

I would disagree with your second post though...I mean, lol, "stealing away" the developers? They are not stealing away anything, they paid those people, and pay them tidy sums of money to develop for them.

That was my thought, and realized it is nitpicking as well, but when the post said Sony "established" this many successful studios...well, they did not really establish most of them. They bought them, which is smart of them most are great properties to own and it seems like Sony does the smart thing and lets them do

Yeah, the "houses" were covered, had plenty of ventiliation and then it was a huge amount of ice, all packed together with sawdust in between. That much of a mass of ice, with the sawdust and all...of course it started to melt, but very slowly...slow enough that it could/would last all summer.

Yeah, could be true...of course I am kind of interjecting my own personal preference, which the examples you provided are not really the way I use it.

Yeah, I agree...really what I am saying is my preference and what I see as a lot of interesting possiblities with regards to games designed for iPad (NOT iPhone) and what can be done.