
But thats the thing, sure it does things that the iPhone doesnt, it does the biggest best thing (in my book, what I like about it) the iphone, the DS, does not.

I think the problem is, they just released the 3DS into a world that has shifted its attention and "desire to must have" to the iPad...

Were you talking about the video game business or the Mariners?

He has lost wealth, those stock certificates....just pieces of paper but that represent owned capital just the same as dollar bills, or Yen.

My first thought....well, thank god, maybe this would be motivation for him to sell the team to someone that gives a crap about the team.

Forget the stupid phones, I really just do not get into the phone games really...but thats just me.

I think it is a bigger issue...for my money, even though it costs 2-3 times as much money, both the PS Vita and the DS line are or will get their poop pushed in by the iPAD.

As it should be...

+ The combat training in Black Ops can be a good alternative to "get your feet wet" before jumping in the deepend of live multiplayer...

I agree that COD probably is the most straight forward, pick up and play. But, like most others take it with a grain of salt that someone brand new....playing any game that has been out for > 6 prepared to die, a lot.

People would cut ice from the frozen rivers and lakes during the winter time into big blocks of ice and store it, using sawdust in between the blocks in large houses. Then come summer time, it was somewhat insulated with the sawdust etc....does not melt right away. Summer comes, they go out, get a block of ice from

"the US needs to accept that we now live in a more peaceful planet" Really? Is this really what you want to be saying?

Country needs savings from bankruptcy as you say....if your that close to bankruptcy that you need saving....the last thing one is even thinking about is investing.

Yes, I was wondering that myself...makes no mention of weight limit. So I should have no problem unfolding this puppy needing to cross a lake to escape bandidos and it should have no trouble with my 275lb frame?

Exactly what I was thinking when the video started, I was all like, hey this is a youtube video, where is the kenny loggins music overlay?

Curious...why would, in a country that as you say needs saving from bankruptcy, why would NASA be a better investment?

The black budget plane(s) that, hopefully, nobody knows about.

2 girls, one bathroom...soon to be the next hot internet sensation *shudder*

Maybe they were making out? What? Its could happen, happens all the time in the movies

I completely agree...