
Mmmmm hmmmm...oh, i see what you did there, you thinly veiled your elitism. Very clever!

Sorry, but, ummmmm for a business, and in the end EA and Activision, and 99.9% of the developers out there...are businesses.

But kobe is a punk, and a rapist? / goes and hides better

Yeah, but the Paterson Foundation just does not roll off the tongue as well as the Gates Foundation does....

Not a tsunami of fun?

I can't even find Walking Dead on Amazon VOD for my, only streaming service I have seen it on is Zune on my 360. But I wanted to watch it with my wife, and well, my 360 is in "the cave" that she does not venture Oh well.

I will be happy if Sprint puts out a kickass Mango phone by, say November. As I believe that is when my contract is up for renewal.

Exactly....that says it all and puts any and all future release names by Google or anyone else to shame!

Let me know when they start streaming Walking Dead and I will care...

Nope, sorry, bottom line, your statement made no sense at all.

Sorry, could not tell based on the way you completely destroyed the english language.

Underground cave cities! (gonna especially need those once the apes take over)

The Ice house, which was packed full of ice cut from the lake that was frozen 6 months prior....basically the same place they got the ice for their iced tea, and icebox / fridge.

Just a teeny tiny problame of rampant corruption at all levels of government?

Wow....amazing they must be using nano-tubes to make puppet strings that could stretch all the way around the world like that from Putin's Dacha...

English not your first language? WTF are you talking about?

Please, for the sake of your own sanity...just let that hate go. Why would you waste a second of your life giving a single crap about what other people enjoy in their gaming?

Not really sure why it is this nut-job thinks that MW2 would be super helpful in planning. Or any game for that matter, I mean really, what kind of moron would need any training to run around SHOOTING UNARMED PEOPLE!!