
I dont get it, how could it be one of the hottest iPad games yet? It has not even been released yet?

Well, plus, there is a reason COD's maps are so small....even with their engine, I doubt consoles would be able to do maps as big as Battlefield maps @ 60fps.


Exactly, the secret planes, well, they are secret. So, hopefully, people like daveywest have no idea that they exist. Like the stealth blackhawk, "nobody" knew that existed until the pilot bumped its tail roter into a wall...oops.

TheFamous1 STFU

Look out the window right now!

Given a choice between the weather we had last week through the weekend and 100+ degrees other parts of the country face....for a week....mehhhh I will take last weeks weather + todays!

Ahhhhh the Pacific Northwest, it may be gray and drizzly for 6 straight months....but for the next 3 months it will, for the most part, be VERY pleasant, slightly warm with just a bit of a breeze. And the bluest skies you have ever seen, or so Bing Crosby says.

Cool, strategically I have liked what Valve has done with Steam as a business. It's a good strategy to provide that much in service "free of charge" in order to secure the online PC / DLC market.

Fair enough...have not played multiplayer online via Steam myself so will take your word for it.

Thats why I call it the "secret sauce", most people that dont pay attention to stuff like framerate dont know why.

Probably Sony fanboys will start bitching because in order to get an online service worth a shit, they will be having to pay $60 a year.

LOL...very true.

Apple sitting out there, growing and growing and the big black star thing in the 5th Element is what would really make me think they could be serious.

The only other thing that makes sense with the supposed leaks, would be the opposite. That each side is trying to "rope a dope" the other into thinking they are shooting for 2014, so the other then shoots for 2014 when the first company was thinking 2013 all order to get that 1 year head start.

Which online gaming service / platform would you say is better? And why?

Yeah, pretty much. much as it is important to some people...IMO backwards compatibility I think is not nearly as important to most customers as a lot of people think it is.

Makes sense in all kinds of ways, biggest sticking point / monkey wrench that would keep it happening is how / whether they would ever find a way to agree to slice up the "pie" of revenues.

First thing I thought of...LOL. I would not say I think Sony's controller is terrible, but I personally do not like it much. Definitely prefer the 360 controller by about 1,000 %.

That is true...occasionally one might see split screeners where both players are decent or "beastly". The other 96.3% of the time though......