
An old engine that still seems to be able to figure out how to run @ 60 FPS on consoles....

May have looked better, but it did not "feel" better. I always felt like my feet were stuck in oatmeal playing that game. Just moved and reacted and felt wayyyyy too slow.

But the thing, today, that will keep the franchise alive and in "competitition" with console sales.

Please explaion how it is ruining core games? Not sure how it is that you have already found this out as a fact seeing as how nobody has seen how it would work, or not work with core games.

But, it is funny on so many levels?

Little late for this to be Bushes work...this is Texas after all.

Not sure I am following, whats the point?

But people in America should try and reduce their addiction to heroines as well...need to do more things for themselves, not really on a heroine like Jamie Summers to bail them out of trouble.

I kind of liked him a little more when he shows off as many video game stories and weeks like this as he does. Made me start to think that he really is someone who plays games in his spare time.

Your "few extra dollars" many is a few" $50? $100? $3 is a few...

Same here, I have better things to spend money on than gaming PC(s).

Yeah, it seems that way...the 5 months mention got me a little excited there, even just a little bit aroused. Yeah, I said it, I am not afraid to admit it...

Thats like saying dont hate Graffiti taggers, that people should be hating the buildings and cities that don't protect their buildings.

Wait, you say 5 months and change from release? So that would make it not a 2012 release but what...November December 2011 release?

Does it still count as camel toe if the effect is created via Testicles rather than Vulva?

Well, part of the funnieness of it is the correct spelling of the term is Namby-Pamby...not with an M...

Well, one thing, I would not think that CoD is mostly played on the PC. Seems pretty obvious to me it's biggest platform is the 360.

You really should find some way to just let go of all that anger and hatred, it's just gonna eat you up inside. Seriously, why do you care so much about a game you don't enjoy?

Hans Moleman is not impressed.

Total Lord of the Flies scene there....yikes.