
I don't know if the total of the subscription fee would/will add up to a discount vs. buying the map packs alone...but the Elite subscription they are pushing is supposed to include all DLC, including map packs, "free" (for the price of whateve the monthly subscription cost is)

Millions of paying customers feel differently, so it is not going to change. It is not borderline high, it is a free market economy, the product is worth whatever people will pay for it.

That has always been my feeling on the matter...

No, I bet they announce in 2012 and release in 2013...Sony on the other hand, will announcie in 2013 and release in 2014 I bet.

I would bet most anything that is Microsoft's game plan....Sony, having been the last to release their console last time, a year behind...and how much they spent developing it, and how badly they want / need to recoup that investment. Thus the "10 year lifecycle" statement of theirs.

Wonder what this kind of treatment and transformation to 3D could do for Asteroids....

They do already sell / send a large amount of surplus power all through the west coast, particularly California. Not sure why they don't increase that amount...maybe contracts are already in place for both the seller (BPA) and customers (utilities).

Thats what they say winds up screwing up the salmon runs is when they have to use those spillways.

Well, from what I just read in the local Seattle paper, one thing at the end of the post seems a bit off. BPA says, they are making efforts NOT to hurt salmon by generating the extra power.

I suppose I would guess either extendable conveyor into the truck, or else blown in.

Wood chips / sawdust / pellets it looks like...

Now playing

Reminds me of one of my all time favorite Simpsons moments....

I have a better idea, too many teams in the northeast, in order to balance things out...just move, the Phillies to Portland. And then...mmmmmm...lets go ahead and put the Cubs in Boise. Then send the Red Sox off to Anchorage...problem solved! Very balanced geographic alignment!

The way Jimmy Fallon played that game...."Boo", he clearly has about as much experience playing as Aguilera does.

No, no I do not buy it.....he played that game exactly like someone who had NEVER played a game like that before would play. Not once looking down the sites, and even when the guys were yelling at him to pick up the shotgun still either refused to or could not figure out how to.

Exactly what I was thinking...him playing that was like a person that literally had never, ever played a FPS game before.

I thought that Fallon was all like into all things videos games, clearly it seems he does not play FPS's. He played that game about the same way my grandmother would play it if you sat her down and gave her a controller and told her to play.

Your right, my apologies, I had just scrolled down and forgot there was a video. It's been a long Mun-day...

If they do anything of any significance, I really doubt the FBI is going to lighten up because they "warned them first".

curious...a public demonstration for what? What is it they want?