
Give me a break....having both a 360 and a PS3. I see no ripoff whatsoever, but please, feel free to share cuz i am dum. What EXACTLY do you see here that they "ripped off" from the XMB?

How did they ripoff the XMB here? I don't see it, I see tiles, I see a row across the top for different area's sets of tiles...

I dunno, I see a game square right there on the upper left. Maybe that is just the square / icon of the game currently in the disk drive, or maybe it is a shortcut straight to the games section.

Makes sense to me, seems like an interface that lends itself very well to both touch and gesture (kinect) based interaction.

Did not look like it...he indicated he made it through the 8 mile gauntlet safely and even found a parking spot.

Current version(s) of the slim 360 are not RROD-ing. But hey, if you are don't want to because of having been buned before with your 10 failed consoles...that certainly is some really bad luck, between the 2 consoles I have had over the life of the 360 I think I have had about 3 RROD incidents. And none in the last

Not saying it's "free", but it is a distinction that makes the service not comparable to Battlefields service....apples and oranges.

Nothing is free, Battlefield charges for all kinds of playable DLC, whether it is the weapons packs, the expansion or whatever.

True, but brick and mortar only need to know the rates for each of the locations of each of their stores.

When they released the maps for Bad Company 1, real, new maps like the golf course....

So, they did not charge for Vietnam? Huh, I must have gotten ripped off somehow...

Simple a 360.

Its an activision property....they are not going to forego millions of dollars in revenue just to help Sony with their little problem. Unless Sony paid them millions to...

They going to be including all DLC, map packs etc. for free as well?

Why would you care?

Did not see the part about members getting DLC early...

DICE is going to be releasing all of their DLC map packs for free? Awesome!

Internet and catalogue shopping has been exempted, I think, mainly because of the complexity of all the different sales tax rates across the states and within the states.

Pretty much what I had to do 7 years ago with the PS2....damn you Rockstar!

Very true....Europe seems to be an even neck and neck "race".