
Seeing as how that is their primary competitor in the market, and they have an opportunity to point out their current favorable position against that competitor...then no, and they wouyld be morons not to.

Sales from replacement units of older model bricked units I am sure contributed....somewhat.

Naw, rumor is the terrorists are going to be the groups that are a true threat to the future of this country....Code Pink, Daily KOS and HuffPo readers.

They join up with the labor unions and the green party...a ragtag band of misfits

"This is going to be painful to use with a mouse."

I see what your saying....almost reminds me of the "new" revolutionary, super-popular Windows 3.0/3.1.... Which was basically still the same old DOS 5/6.0 underneath with the "Windows" GUI skinned over the top.

Interesting...I can see what they are doing with the "swipe-switching" with their Bing app for the iPad. And it is kick-ass, definitely smooth, easy and totally natural. My favorite app to use for news and other stuff as a sort of "hub"....

Well..I dunno, saying 1 run games I don't think necessary means one can assume offense is not producing.

I dislike Berman as much as the next guy...but maybe I am a moron too, but I don't see the flaw in his statement.

Did not know the airlines were receiving cash from the government...where did you hear of this outrage?

And, how much did their expenses rise in the last year due to rising fuel costs? What was their net revenue from ticket sales?

Interesting story...think we are gonna need Mr Aquilini to confirm though.

Plus I think there is a relatively cheap reliable source of power nearby, a nuclear power plant.

Those features are all in game features....seems to me, most of what Elite is offering is "outside" the game on the disc. As in, all that stuff via web they do with Rockstar Social club and

Makes me remember again and again that I really regret not having played the original half life all the way through.

LOL, I thought maybe they had constructed some sort of pavilions or something on the field for god knows what, like post game concert(s) or something...

I for one, and I think there are a few others like me, have absolutely no need for a Blu-Ray player.... Even though I guess I do have one in my PS3, but I never use it.

True enough, but I think their focus in bringing that stuff up is not so much the competition with the PS3.

Then maybe they could also make the playing online for free shitty, like everyone else.

I totally agree with you, for Microsoft to have any chance whatsoever of competing with Apple, they absolutely have to "control" the hardware as best they can. Tell the damn manufacturers exactly how to make it, for their own good.