
GM to both scouts...I love him, he is just so perfect, he totally reminds me of a clean cut well shaven Adam Morrison!!!!

Thats what I was thinking, but then figured it was the eyes playing tricks. It looks like some big old things on the field, but then I realized, it is a couple of light poles that happen to be sticking out right in front of where that camera was shooting from.

Betcha 100 years ago there was a buggy whip manufacturer that said the same thing about those new fangled autos...

Yeah, one would have to assume Activision will put some sort of requirement in place to keep people from doing just that. Maybe by just selling annual subscriptions...

For future stuff it sure is looking to me like Rockstar and Activision are thinking the same way...that eventually the Rockstar Pass would not be a 1X "bundle package" deal like this but they may make it an subscription to go along with the Social Club. will come down to the cost of the membership vs. the cost of the 2-3 map packs per year they release.

People subscribe to "gold" not because their friends do, but because that is what it is costs to play online multiplayer.

LOL....what free content are you referring to that they would be "reducing"?

Big fat Meh...This will come down to running the numbers.

Yeah, fair enough, as they say...time will tell as to whether that interest needle moves up or down. I could see a scenario where November comes and it does Black Ops type numbers... I could see a scenario where November comes and it does half that, jumped the shark.

I would definitely put it more in the category of "too early to tell"...and leave it at that.

Can do better than to defend their intellectual property? Pretty sure even Microsoft can walk and chew gum at the same time.

I am not a microsoft hater, many times a defender...I suppose from living and growing up in the Northwest.

Windows NT? Original Xbox?

Blah blah blah....and their are millions of phones out there now polluted with Google search. Where is your outrage over that little lack of consumer choice?

Windows NT, I think, could well be considered their biggest accomplishment.

Ahhh, but where does a patent troll begin and a person or companies legitimate protection of their intellectual property end?

Higher price = less units sold...Econ 101. mean "the duke"? Those were bad, to their credit, they did realize that right away and adjusted the size quickly.

Pretty sure I have mine sitting in a box in a closet somewhere along with my Dreamcast....