
Me either, I installed it, noticed zero difference. But, to be honest, cant say as I ever started / played the Halo Reach disc. I have played all the Halo Reach I care to play...

They would follow up with him, not just because of what he wrote, but also to ask questions about where he thought of such a notion....did some friend tell him that? Did he get the idea from the news (probably)...or did he hear that from some family member? If so, maybe that family member is in a militia off in

They follow up on EVERYTHING they can, no matter how small...99.9% of the stuff winds up being things like this. Ask a few questions, scratch the kid off the list and move on.

Well then, it should be an open and shut lawsuit for his family then. Extra bonus money for him...+ a cool story.

Free speech is a pain isn't it?

Secret Service has to follow up on stuff like that, what if it was not the 13 year old just saying something dumb on fb?

Key word used was muffled, not silenced.

Yeah, I was shocked when I think it was Gizmodo pointed out that google maps photo.

Pretty sure it will do far better in sales than Heavy Rain, if for not other reason than that it is multi-platform....

Did you not read the description in the post?

Kind of surprising they do not include Bremerton in the censoring...

Yeah, but the bigger issue, the one data cannot really track is how many prospective customers, customers thinking about getting a "new" console for the first time see news like this, or the RROD news 4 years ago and silently decide to walk their retail dollars over to the "other" system...

Whatever pays the bills....

LOL, I agree with you, I cannot even remember the last time I bothered logging onto PSN. Or turned my PS3 on for that matter...

Well, one those were reports on North American sales, and two the 360 sold 300K units...up 60% over last year.

I am totally sure Kaz and Sir Howard completely agree with your viewpoint...

Of course, everyone with a half a brain flipping knows that Captain Obvious.

As of and including end of April sales, again, North America, not worldwide. As all know, 360 gets no love from the Japanese market and trails a bit in Europe....

Your totally right, we should just let it grow ergonomically!

Was going to point the same thing out myself, noticed it right away...I was like, wait? what? Jive? Hey, I speak Jive!!