
Sure...a "few" employees have left..just a few LOL. But the studio remains with the employees that did not leave or get fired, and presumably some new hires.

Why would I look up what a sub-genre is? You made no mention of a sub-genre?

Wait, what? You said that those flavors...(plural) are called A (singular) genre?

Well, you gotta think it is not just COD that would scare them, it is COD AND Battlefied 3 AND Gears 3...i have to agree with them, what they are doing is the best thing they could to to help the games survival and give it the best chance to thrive.

It is a game, primary gameplay mechanic is shooting things, things that are trying to shoot you. Objective = shoot them before they shoot you, which makes it a shooter....which whether you like it or not, makes Ghost Recon, Battlefield, Halo, Team Fortress 2 and yes, even COD ALL the same genre...just different

It's a great strategy, after 5-6 months straight of playing the other title(s), even the biggest hardcore fans (of COD or Battlefield) are ready by March/April to do something different.

Not really over-reacting....I just am that much on the fence about the game, I suppose I was already leaning towards not buying it anyway.

I have noticed, back when I was playing L4D on the 360, there was a group of friends I played with that we all played well together. But even general strangers, that game was better than most others for even console / Xbox Live strangers not being nitwits.

Your very observant, just can't put one past you....

Really, that is impressive, you can just drop into a random PC game with random stranger team-mates and everyone is on the same page in terms of team work and achieving the objectives together?

Really, well I guess then as a stoopid console gamer, clearly this game is far too advanced for me to bother playing.

All the numbers I have seen both recently and over the last 3 years show the PS3 squarely at a 2-1 disadvantage in North American install base to the 360...I think roughly 20Million to 10million.

I recommned Altoids, far more than I should have to!

I may have gotten Westboro mixed up with the other church, the "God hates fags" wackos...

Hmmmmmm 2012 maybe?

Why Ubisoft, why oh why have you forsaken Rainbow 6?!??!? *sniff* I am beginning to think they have buried that franchise....damnit damnit damnit!!!

It's a done deal....not sure why it is people freak out and are claiming they are going to immediately change. Why not wait and see what happens, IF MSFT screws it up and you don't like it, then switch.

Exactly, they would not cut the service to iPhone or android devices, heck they probably would even keep support for never turn away revenue.

Just curious, what is idiotic about his idea? Why would Microsoft not be interested in acquiring / controlling a company like Netflix? IF it was possible for them to do so?

Well, in all those examples, including anon and the PSN hack...there are similarities in which there are connections between the larger groups and the action of the extremists.