
The “socialist core values” are mass murder, totalitarianism, and the equality of economic misery for all (except for the national leadership).

Oh I think plenty of communist societies got the “overthrow the tyrant” stage just fine (the Romanovs in Russia, the Qing Dynasty in China, etc.), it’s just that most of them became autocratic dystopias afterwards...

If you pay much attention to Chinese media, you’ll discover that they don’t mind violence, as long as it’s directed towards the right people.

Guess its (sic) unpopular response time:


What, are they gonna add some Mao posters everywhere?

Um... so how on earth would you go about doing that while maintaining it as a game where a bunch of people are sent to an island to kill each other...?

Absolutely this, holy shit they’ve ruined random games entirely because I’m the only one who speaks English on the team 60-80% of the time

I don’t care if they have to change the dacia into a geely, just get the chinese players off the EU and US servers already.

You are correct. In America, a white person cannot do anything without some minority group having a problem with it, even if it’s just getting a cup of coffee.

Actually in the time it took you to report that, other outlets are reporting that 11 former employees are claiming rape against Musk including 3 people who are friends and have the same lawyer, one malfunctioning microwave and a person who visited once and cleaned up a piece of litter in the parking lot.

I would argue that calling someone a “prick”, “cock”, dick”.... would all constitute as gendered slurs against males.

“Go fuck yourself, just-asking-questions “professor.””

I’m black and I don’t like it when black ppl use the word, or when other ppl use the word. Just because you’re black doesn’t give you the right to say it, because our ancestors were oppressed. Either grow up and learn to talk like an adult, or go back to high school in the ghetto and continue calling your friends that.

Lol, idk if youve ever read the constitution, but a right to say something is different from not being a prick. Everyone in america has the right to say it

This is bullshit. If you want to stop the alt right you need to stop demonizing white people for no reason. Hate breeds hate.

Not all white people are privileged, nor are all black people at a disadvantage. Ambition and upbringing are the real factors. Be confident and work hard and you will do well, be treated well in life. If Tyler Perry, as a black man living out of his car, can do it, anyone black or white or purple or green can. Im

I’m just asking a question, please keep that in mind. Can someone explain “systemic racism”. I hear it all the time, but it seems to be one of those catchall terms tossed around.

Im not from US so I would like to know how the deal with the N word works...

You’re reporting on something that is totally unsubstantiated in any way.