
There’s no winning here.

Dumb article that only exists for a click, which in turn references a dumb essay that itself only exists for a click.

“Hey guys, some people used this art/historical moment/idea for racist/sexist/etc. purposes, and it is wrong wrong wrong to reference the art/historical moment/idea without referencing (read:

An articles like this are promoting disinformation on how technology works, so you really are no different.

You sound like a real piece of work yourself. You just generalized countless people to promote your biased view of the world. Keep taking in ways that divide people and you continue to see the type of government, and society, that has driven you to feel like this.

I’m just imagining the look on their faces when they were asked to solve this ‘big mystery’....

Yikes, I’m seeing from your responses to others that you’re just an angry and immature individual

So you actually don’t believe in due process, and everyone else is the asshole?

a.k.a. Dear Twitter - please censor anything that offends me personally. Only things that I deem reasonable and accurate should be published.

So these shouldn’t actually be called speed runs. They aren’t playing the actual game. They’re playing a modified piece of software.

How did they get here? How did they function here? Apparently they are not morons or helpless fools. They are can (and HAVE) self deported by going back to their country of origin. I did similar when I was overseas, my Visa (work) was expiring so I got my ass a plane ticket back to the states. It isnt YOUR

and exactly how would that happen. Nothing I said was angry, bitter or inflammatory. It was simply facts that my rep and I both support oversight and someone approving people’s applications for a program like this. How is that so morally reprehensible to anyone? Oh, somehow you were triggered, it is ok, there is a