
Spurlock is a fucking fraud.

I’m not religious myself, but I come from a family of pretty progressive Christians (One of whom is a pastor) who are all pro-LGBT, anti-discrimination in any form, pro social justice/equality, treating everyone with respect and kindess, and all that other “treat others the way you would hope to be treated” stuff.

Sooo... Am I the only one who firmly believes that body-part-specific moisturizers are just a cash grab?

Why are we complaining? She looks fantastic. And this is not high drama.

Well what do you think HAARP is for. Tested on New Orleans and N.J., used on North Korea!

Pretty clearly riffing on Patrick Nagel. It works well with the pop culture subjects. Especially the simple portraits, not so much the cars - there’s too much complexity to focus on the stark colors.

This is the correct answer. Never use a debit card.

Everyone here likes to make fun of Breitbart for being an echo chamber, but it’s really the same at Jezebel.

$20 for 8 gigabytes and USB 2.0?

USB 2.0 and 8 GB, that’s like 19th Century :(

I’m trying to feel bad for these Youtubers, really, I’m trying. But I keep coming up empty. Perhaps an actual job might be of interest while they challenge YouTube’s corporate policies.

I would but I don’t usually have an hour to wait for someone to bother moving the chicken from the rack to a tray and hand it to me.

But now who is going to lead the team on the final drive of a playoff game to a 27-yard chip shot field goal that the kicker will then miss thereby ending the Vikings season in hilariously depressing fashion? Feel like the whole game plan for the season is out the window now...

Whatever this is, it really misses the mark.

People don’t make judgments about your life, they make judgments about your choices.

I think this will be great, but only if it has an all female cast.

On my car, wheel bearings and suspension components are to be inspected every 60K, but there’s no definitive replacement schedule. At 10 years old and 130K on the clock, still no need to replace either of these, and this on a car notorious for weak wheel bearings (WRX).

Because the global population, especially the dolts here in the USA, who have little to no REAL education, pretty much believe anything that happened 5 minutes ago, as “ancient history”. They have NO CONCEPT that the earth has been around for millions of years, have no idea that tiny bright light in the sky during the

Saw it for the first time last weekend. Love it. Don’t watch the trailer. It gives too much away. It is 99% comedy. There is very little if any horror in there. But gore. Lots of gore.

Yep. Inbox, to me, is a solution in search of a problem.