
The fact that you don’t seem to know what this is is breaking my heart.

He’s failed in many of his ventures, but stating that he’s failed in EVERYTHING is not true, either. Compared to 99% of Americans, his corporate life has been an overall success.

“If you want to help contribute to his hospital bills”

You make it sound like parenting was impossible before tablets.

Smart in what way? It looks really poorly made, almost like they tried putting as little effort in as possible to make a youtube video.

That would be the woman who called those accusations “bimbo eruptions.”

Then why is my post thanksgiving meal nap such a great nap!?

The insurance fraud one is the only really bad one, and even that is not heinous. I was expecting greaseball stuff. Instead, it’s several variations on “These ladies are pretty!” Presumably on pictures of ladies who want to be told they are pretty.

Jeez, JJ Abrams got his hands on this reboot too?!

So throwing away long-respected journalistic principles, whereby people may tell you things they otherwise wouldn’t/couldn’t in exchange for confidentiality, is OK as long as you don’t like the guy? We’ve become a nation entirely overtaken by feelings.

Counterpoint: the design is actually rather dogshit, and I can’t make out half of them within the first few moments of looking at them.

Take your star, you jerk.

Can you actually imagine Jezebel publishing an article entitled “Could X’s Sexual Assault Accusation Have Been Staged?”

Gaff: It’s too bad she won’t live!

I... actually agree with all of this.

Exactly. They understand that the purpose of movies is to mystify, depress, and indoctrinate.  And the purpose of these lists is virtue and intellect signalling.

It makes sense that there would be a lot of love for pointless abstract films that “experts” can hold over everyone’s collective head and simply say, “You don’t get it.”

That’s a brutal hit but I don’t see how you could call that anything other than incidental helmet-to-helmet contact.

Like it or not, that’s not targeting. Safe and legal aren’t the same thing.