
Understand that Ck3's personality-driven play is absolutely an outlier to the history of paradox games’ approach, and HoI even moreso. HoI is basically a single highly detailed scenario of a hypothetical 20th century paradox civilizational game. It’s fun, but it’s practically a strategic wargame, not a strategic game

I’m looking forward to playing it. For the rather negative tone of the review overall, this “de-personalization” is literally the story of the 19th century.

Ahh, so Trump = Hitler.

1 non hate-Republican joke in 90 mins, yeah, you better get on his ass that FUCKING DUMBASS. How dare he? How dare he?

“He thinks we are supposed to say what he says and that’s it.”

It’s almost like spreading a plutonium-like toxin of presumptive hate predisposes people to irrational fear.

Do you see that “because Jimmy did it too!” hasn’t worked as an excuse since Kindergarten?

And you should really start taking your meds again, because it’s clear the paranoia is back.

Re your post: Ah... delicious.

Shocked. Positively shocked that

Not to mention that planet is ENTIRELY populated by robots.

Am I the only one that notices that the blade of the lightsaber is out of alignment with hilt/hands?

Don’t remember the Cold War, then? The more warheads you have, the more likely *some* would survive an enemy’s attempted first strike.


So is the ‘iphone’ exclusivity of the first one due to a hole in the iphone app store, that will ‘hold’ the connection open for other instances while the auth-popup remains open?

Good for him.

I know FUD is really your stock-in-trade but

Or, maybe they’re just taking pictures with people at a Trump rally, without “vetting” each person? Especially if evaluating them requires staring at the chest of some latina chick with a chip on her shoulder to parse WTF she had some 3rd grader write?

Reserved seating is invariably a way to RAISE seat prices and justify it.

I live in Mpls too. Median home pricing in Mpls is $213k.