
So Minnesota it hurts

Judging from my sweat output and the relatively poor condition I’m currently in, no.

To be clear, they are sticking by “we can’t do that” actually. The article clearly states that there are tons of data that are just not available any longer. What they do say is that they could reverse engineer and make shit up, just like the Nostralius guys did, and come up with a close approximation of vanilla WoW.

BREAKING: Person Imitates Plot Of Community Episode

Your first mistake was trying to have a reasonable discussion of any kind on the internet.

Careful; use of that word assumes you to be racist.

bikers are the worst.

These players are great and I hope they get sucked off tonight like they should.

This this this. Posted about this in the comments of another article. There is been no trial, there has been no verdict. People need to stop using those words.

The Court is NOT on Dr. Luke’s “side.” The Judge merely applied the law to the facts. As an attorney one of the hardest things to deal with are bad facts. They are what they are and we do our best to construe them most favorably to our clients but ultimately Judges have no discretion to choose a “side” they like. It’s

Most white people have no opinion about this song. Of the white people who do have an opinion, most are listening to, requesting, and/or purchasing the song. Don’t believe Gawker that there is some sort of organized race riot... the story here is invented for clicks.

Rousey went on to say that she wants her next fight to be a rematch with Holm.

And, OMG these people, if you are part of a couple and you book an aisle seat and a window seat in the hopes that no one takes the middle and then someone sits in the middle seat and you don’t offer to switch and instead hold whole conversations over middle’s head YOU ARE MONSTER PEOPLE.

In related news, has just been unanimously selected Person of the Year

I have a hard time believing that an artisanal, locally-sourced, hand-crafted, gluten-free, organic, bean-to-bar chocolate maker would misrepresent their product in this way.

If you have something ready in time for launch that isn’t purely cosmetic it should be in the game.

yeah let me over-tip on a over-priced drink. costs the bar 50cents and they charge me 9 bucks. but let me have to bribe the bartender to give me decent service on this over priced drink on top of that. I just choose not to play this game.

We’re not even in the same neighborhood as when the Soviets shot down the KLA 747 filled with civilian passengers at the height of the Cold War when Reagan was President.

"Yes, please, let's not forget the poor men, who make up a whopping 15% of the domestic violence victims (nonsarcastic saide: this includes situations in which the violence is mutual, or the woman used violence in response to violence), who are far less likely to be hurt by domestic violence given the differences in