
It has nothing to do “traditional” values. Well, that or it could simply be that “traditional” values HAVE...VALUE.
The fact is that it’s long-established fact that it’s better for two people to raise a child than one. So it SHOULD be harder for a single to adopt than a couple.

You do understand that resources aren’t infinite, right?

You don’t think teen girls are asking for attention by deliberately sexualized outfits and behavior? Haven’t been in a high school in the last 10 years?

I just wish I had the link to post to a previous gizmodo/gawker post where the blogger basically said ‘it’s all about getting laid, am i right?” but then I’d have to read more of these shitty articles to dig it up.

And where is abstinence taught?

Does “recently” apply when you’re reposting shit from JUNE?

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ahahahaaa

Nobody’s going to object to it because, unlike the Vag-busters film, it’s

Depends on your definition of “something going wrong”.

How is this “normalized”?

Funny, we didn’t see similar histrionics for the naked, ball-less Trump.

Your rules are horrible.

Skip the BS, jump to 10:30 and he gets stung right at about 11:00.

They knew what was happening.

Everyone thinks we’re all fat, it’s just that we’re overequipped with blood to have enough left after being outside for any length of time.

The nice thing about the Supergirl figure is that it not only looks like Melissa Benoist, it’s just as good an actor.

So in the same sense that we were all told that Bill’s constant penile wanderings were a matter for them as a couple and not for public judgement, we’re going to immediately dismiss all this, right?

I was told that Kingkiller book 2 was so astonishingly bad, it would retroactively taint the wonderful book 1, so I avoided it.