
“Said it before and I’ll say it now: America is really fortunate that black people only want equality and not revenge.”

Um...$40k for a 40k mile 2007?

Ha ha ha ha ha. Sure.

I find it curious that the file location directory is Selene, and not Tsuki-Yomi.

How or why? The first season was TERRIBLE: acting, directing, pacing, plotting, even the cgi was shitty.

If Donald Trump came into your store, would you serve him?”

Nonsense histrionics.

“To be clear about what we’re talking about and to whom we’re speaking,”

I tried to watch this last night and

Because “the equal treatment and empowerment of women and girls across the world” is imaginary too!

While I understand that using the word “shitty” isn’t actually wielded as criticism so much as hipster in-group signalling, and I’m not really even particularly a fan of theirs but considering that “....The New York Times asserted, ‘no punk band of the 1990s has been more influential than Blink-182,’” I’m pretty sure

And Yale grads.

I turned 13 in 1980, graduated from college in 1990.

“For Kopp, the point of studies like this is not to terrify the bejeezus out of people,” but it IS for Maddie Stone...the climate-change panic-monger of Gawker.

I see CNN is cheerfully perfecting the ‘smug’ demographic.


Was it this site or one of the other Gawker-refugee ones that was just crying the other day about a kicker who liked to go downfield and make big hits getting RAILED by one of the receiving team?

For those that don’t know: Christopher James “Chris” Kluwe is a former American football punter, writer, and Deadspin commenter. Wikipedia

Nope, I’m calling bs.

Funny that HRCs campaign describes the language as “horrifying.”