So because you’re easily intimidated, such language is intimidating? How...circular.
So because you’re easily intimidated, such language is intimidating? How...circular.
If you’re too cheap to spend the $1 or less for these in any hardware/dollar store, could you really afford a hot glue gun?
Maybe because the moment of orgasm is - no matter how much you love the other person - a moment of overwhelming SELF. At least for this man, there’s this denouement where I mentally come back out of myself and want to (re)connect with this other person emotionally & completely.
Auto video: 1:10 he just said that “the wheels will be powering the engine”? And then shortly thereafter he said coasting will “shut off fuel to the engine”, wouldn’t the engine DIE then?
Or maybe just that Twitter itself is digital “anal leakage” and people should just stop paying attention to it?
That’s rich.
You are SO BRAVE!
Is there anyone on the planet that gives the faintest shit about whether it’s even played or not?
Was this after we heard the hourlong recitative about how wonderful their marriage is/was and how much he loves/admires her?
It’s just hypocrisy: A Democrat making a speech to an empty chair representing GWB would have been the height of poignant symbolism.
Don’t be niggardly with your reply.
You going to wipe that cum off your lip, or just swallow it like all the rest? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not criticizing - every man like a swallower.
So let’s see, you have on the one hand:
Yes, the fact that this ancient claim (between the US and a government that doesn’t technically exist, and which has been ignored by the US for 40 years) happened to be resolved right about the same moment Iran decided to completely independently release some Americans.
Angela Rye is hateable. A sneer or a patronizing laugh is a retort to nothing, and proves nothing aside from “I can’t intellectually argue your point”.
The point was never that he may or may not have been an affirmative action admittee. That’s either ignorant, or disingenuous strawman building.
I understand that clickbait is all about inflammatory language and headlines that are so disingenuous that they’d make Drew Curtis blush, but I’ll bite: the rotary engine has a number of features that make it very attractive FOR SOME APPLICATIONS. Maybe not your car-fixated ones, but some others.
No amount of astroturfing on Gawker nor breathless faux-excitement nor massive explosions nor angsty-bullshit-crap-the-director-”makes”-the-actors-do-to-each-other nor even (sadly) Margot Robie’s sweet, sweet ass can camouflage forever a fundamentally shitty movie.
It’s the same motivation that makes people crap on anything many other people enjoy: a simplistic effort to be ‘special’ and ‘different’ by reflexively going the opposite direction of the crowd. It’s not like they’re rationally thinking through their choice, it’s all about status - you can tell by how loudly they MUST…