
I don’t think that’s right. The move to New York would’ve been fine if they had make interiors that were competitive and had kept up with their SUVs. Their sedan focus put them where they are now. The mid size SUV market should’ve been taken care of long ago. Cadillac went after the BMW crowd but with worse interiors,

Me too. First thing was: “Holy shit the slopey sides look like a C class.” Then: “They put Lexus taillights on the goddam thing!”

I have to say the speedo bothers me. Why bother making it go all the way up to 160? make it go to 120 over the same area and it’ll be much easier to read. The Mercedes cluster does this too.

There are not that many redeeming factors about this car. My personal opinion is that the front is god awful and the interior looks cheesy. At least they did a good job on the rear, looks too much like the Atlas though.

Every tax ultimately falls back on the consumer. There’s no difference as to where the burden falls between a tariff and a business income tax. That’s a fairly early lesson in economics, which is why a payroll tax on your employer is really a tax on your paycheck: yes it’s levied on the corporation (I.e. you don’t pay

Now playing

Don’t listen to grapenut - all regular purchases on a 2% cashback card like the PayPal mastercard or Citi Double Cash. If you want to get more advanced, there are a bunch of cards that offer 5% back in different categories: see this video - at the 1:06 marker

Don’t listen to grapenut - all regular purchases on a 2% cashback card like the PayPal mastercard or Citi Double

Which is mostly Americans’ fault for being idiots and, to quote Patrick, taking out “endless seven, eight and nine year loans at some outrageous rate.” I’ll absolutely admit that people living on $30k a year will struggle with basic necessities. At a salary of the average American (~$49k - click for source) there’s no

Headed North on I-65 towards Chicago. With my cruise set at 77, I get passed by someone in a 3-series. 20 minutes later, they’re on the side of the road with a cop behind them.

At night? A Mercedes Benz with an illuminated three point star.

In all fairness, this is at a MUCH smaller scale, it's not federal. Also the majority of the money is often just reduced taxes for a period of time, meaning that after that period, the company will be paying full taxes, so they're not really throwing "$24,000 per employee at Mercedes" as stated. Also, the employees

Excuse my ignorance, but what track is that? Also, I love the guy tracking the Accord. Shows you can run basically whatever you want!

Hilarious, as always Doug! I lost it at the VW minivan line. I have no idea who thought that the Routan could have possibly been a good idea. Anyway, it's my turn for a story! I was at a swim meet with my coach, who's a VW guy. His toys include 2 VW buses and a recent GTI. Anyway, I showed him one of your articles

What does the key look like?


It'll be a car based on the Mitsubishi Attrage, which is the sedan version of the Mirage. Mitsubishi isn't sure how many cars will come from its factory and head to Mexico, but it's a win/win all around. Mitsubishi gets to export more cars from its Thai factory, Chrysler gets to be a part of the exploding South

In my case, I lost to the CTS-V because of a missed shift: I went for third and got fifth instead. Naturally, I blame this occurrence on my burnt-out emergency flashlight battery.


Hey! Some SAABs had V-4 Engines! Don't forget the SAABs!