
I worked for a professional sports franchise where we got an allotment of tickets for every game. If we sold them we would get fired.

when i tried to confirm my suspicion (couldn't) it is said that the ride is "non-canon"

see I think Garfield doesn't have the "nerd" vibe that Toby let me get off my high horse (hey-yo)

If this was DC you would be ripping them for changing the actor...just saying

Didn't Marvel just announce an all female Avengers? Isn't that changing drastically?

If Jolie was directing a DC movie everyone would be ripping it...and you know it too

Gronk should have been fined more for what he said afterwards - pretty much he said "screw it, it's the last game"


not all that CGI? Only thing I remember about the prequels

Is it fair to say this guy is a neo-Nazi then?

Is the NFL going to look at the fight at the end of the game? Or the post game comments about it?

And now Cleveland, but last week was "when will Blatt get fired? "

ben roethlisberger seems to be doing fine?

ben roethlisberger too

Athletes come to the United States for money, why can't an American go someplace else for money?

Thought Gru mentioned they were a by product of one of his machines in Despicable Me 1?

I'd go to the Forbidden City in China. Then post a selfie in front of it, and right after post "too bad no one will see this"

Is there a Vegas line on if this fight will happen in X amount of time?

There was a rumor (radio guys said it came from TMZ) going around that the fight was to be announced during the Super Bowl because Haymon bought ad time. The other rumor was that Haymon bought it to promote his boxing series on NBC. Guess nothing happened

I hated that stage in Facebook history - people friending others because they had the same name as you. And that was before you could tell someone said "I don't know that person"