Kyle Gris

She looks good. Black people on here are getting really bitter. Like, maybe take a deep breath every now and then.

Being born with a naturally big ass = co-opting black fashion.

It’s really hard to see monkey feet moving so quickly.

I love how much coverage this is getting.

hahahahaha. you tell ‘em.

It looks like Guatemala.

You got more stars than people who will take your advice.

Fuck you indeed, Bryce.

I love animals. I hate people who can’t take care of animals.

Fuck you Geoff.

No disagreement here.

You don’t know who Tony Iommi is, do you?

So you’re saying his story has credibility, but you’re still not cutting him any slack? But piss-chain-of-command shenanigans with Ryan Braun are okay? Bullshit.

Blam blam blam blam!! Murder murder.

Blam blam blam blam!! Murder murder.!!!11!

I hope they do well just so you guys have to #DEAL WITH IT!.blog! The Lita Ford of Hot Take Blogs!!!1!!1

For a person with such a screwy name, you’re pretty judgmental about a goddamn ad campaign by Budweiser.

Stars looked terrible and still managed a win. It was not fun to watch.

So - which one do you keep on the team? Westbrook and KD can’t function together. Deadspin just can’t stay off Westbrook’s jock throughout any article. It’s hilariously sad.