Kyle Gris

It’s great to hear ESPN takes. Yes, this is the thing that needs to get appealed to the Supreme Court.

So brave.

“So brave.”

New song title: “Commercializing Death”

You should be the top comment.

Ya dude, Deadspin is racist.

Boo-yaw assclown!

Someone help that woman with her bag!

How can I truther this?

Now playing

Gojira - Stranded (brand spankin’ new!)

I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. I just like the people on here that are hating on the paying fans because they’re white. But they’re just perpetuating the angry black man stereotype with their bullshit. They don’t even see the contradictions.

Black people are so scary.

I see one.

That’s just “smart basketball.”

Boo Hiss!

You people...

OMG. Totes ruined. Never Watching AGAIN!!!

PEDs and plastic surgery don’t enhance music.

Go back to Gawker!

Now playing

Animals as Leaders - Wave of Babies (instrumental)