Where are my keys?

It infuriates me how the old Republican dudes in the Senate know nothing about babies/motherhood while at the same time obsess over restricting abortion rights, the availability of birth control, affordable healthcare for babies, etc. From an article about passing the law to allow Duckworth’s baby on the floor:

That last picture of her is so frickin’ awesome. She looks so thrilled to be back and having her baby with her. And if that’s not a look of sheer exhausted joy I don’t know what is!

“But what if there are 10 babies on the floor of the Senate?”


That film is basically the same age as Lil Tay. Coincident?

Yeah, from the description it sounds like she reacted exactly how a rape victim would not want her to react. It’s completely believable that if this conversation happened, Constand realized she revealed this information to the wrong person and said anything to shut it down.

Kathy is a paid Cosby Defender Troll. “Her” entire comment history is disgusting.

In other words, even in Jackson’s wildest fantasies she still looks more guilty than Constand.

Ryan also went over Temple expense reports with Jackson. The reports showed that Jackson, who insists she traveled with the team in 2004, did not submit any expense reports coded for women’s basketball that year.

And her testimony has more details. Memory is not like that.

As respected as an Olympic team doctor?

My thoughts exactly. She softballed it to see if Jackson was going to be supportive or judgmental and when she realized Jackson was not going to react in a helpful way, decided to pull back.

There’s no reason anyone has to be lying about anything.

So, even crediting Jackson’s testimony as fully credible, here’s what seems to have happened:

I’m really impressed she has internet in the jungle. Also 20 bananas???? How bad is her gas???

I don’t know. Because, I’ve thought- what if she is telling the truth? What if Andrea Constand is lying? But it’s impossible. At this point, that is literally impossible. So the ONLY possibility is that Marguerite Jackson is lying. Because either Andrea is lying, or Marguerite is. And so logically, if Andrea is not

Like she ever met a plant she didn’t like