Where are my keys?

OMG I just saw the photo of her face all bandaged up. I didn’t want to post it because it’s bad and I didn’t want to upset anyone, but if you Google image search her name it shows up. Awful.

Take them for all they’re worth.

So, the glass shattered and gave her a huge cut up the left side of her face and this is the movie poster? Is it just me or is this an added layer of tastelessness on the part of the production company?

This injury could cost her hundreds of millions over the course of a long career. I don’t know if she will collect that much, but she certainly deserves every penny she gets. What a horrific injury.

Holy crap what a horrifying accident. I hope she wins.

This is terrifying and horrible. She could have been blinded, or had her throat slashed. All because these jerks were too lazy or cheap to get the damn safety glass. Poor girl.

I hope she sues them into oblivion. The photos I’ve seen of her just after the incident are pretty bad.

I really hope she wins.

Sounds like she’s got a legitimate case.

As the court records will attest, that was TerryBolleasDick, thankyouverymuch.

Yes that’s the plan, HulkHogansDick

I would recommend, if you haven’t already, reading the companion book by Patrick Weekes, The Masked Empire. It gives so much more context behind Celene, Briala, and Gaspard and events and made playing through this quest all the more rewarding and intriguing. It frames this quest quite nicely as the culmination of a

Are we just going to get a full series of articles about this play through you got going? Because I am all for it.

I love missions and quests like these in RPGs. As a gross oversimplification, combat in RPGs is generally the worst so it’s always fun to have missions, quests, dungeons, or objectives that don’t revolve around murdering stuff.

I sincerely wish there were more missions like this in Bioware games.