Where are my keys?

I actually expected it to be a lot higher...

You’re most definitely right I just feel like there’s more to it, like a bigger bomb is about to drop.

If they break $200,000, they get a coupon for a free Grand Slam at Denny’s.

That’s it? That number sounds, well, wrong.

You know he almost certainly thought of it as “I’m one of the Good Guys, that means I can make ironic sexist jokes. Like, we all know women are equal, right? Now go, get me a sandwich, Sex Pants. Haha, just kidding. No but seriously, you’re my assistant, please go get me a sandwich.”

That’s horrible.this story is giving me deja vu.... ahhhh yes Emilie Hirsch.

That number sounds low. Sleuthers, keep on sleuthing!

Dick head’s production company full of dick heads. Shocking.

McD ought to sue him for slander. He gave himslf that liver.

I was kinda being sarcastic but sadly a lot of men think this behavior is perfectly normal and that is women are taking things to far and that we’re being waaay too sensitive.

One former employee describes how after she first started working there she made the mistake of going home with Chilnick one night.

He hit a woman, but that was okay because he “was forced to defend” himself after the victim tapped him on the shoulder.

In a man’s world.

I mean, this was the basis for the preemptive manpology, right?

Wait.... what’s going on with Nev Schulmen? I mean he bores me but Ibdont really get creep vibes from him...

All the harassment stories that have come out have had varying degrees of repulsion for me — Weinstein, horrified; Batali, scandalized; but these guys my first visceral reaction is “where do these fuckers get off with this shit?” Like these nerdy fuckers who couldn’t get a date in high school now reveling in their

Spurlock and his ilk are doing exactly what my ex used to do: preemptively come out and admit shitty behavior, verbally and publicly self-flagellate, agree with every assessment critics make about their character so they don’t have to listen, and hijack the conversation to talk about what huge assholes they were, but

Or there’s a PAC doing it for them.

That was my thought: sounds criminally low.

Only $199,000 in a decade? Highly unlikely.