Where are my keys?

If you go on Instagram under the #infertility and #infertilitysucks tags, many of the women posting on them are evangelical Christians. On some of the podcasts my husband listens to there have been discussions about IVF and there are some interesting mental gymnastics about why it’s “ok,” though there are some who

I hate to break it to you, but 2018 is definitely going to be worse.

What? They totally want poor people to reproduce, hence lack of sex-ed, strong anti-choice stances, and “Jesus loves behbehz” taught from childhood

I’ve never seen anyone in that crowd that had an issue with it. I have one kid by surrogacy and my evangelical in-laws never said anything negative about it. One couple I know attempted IVF. In my experience, the general attitude, is the more kids, the better.

And again with the superfluous! exclamation! points. It’s not a fucking battle cry Donnie.

Here’s a biography on Andrew Jackson: FUCK THAT DUDE HE SUCKED THE END

A book on Andrew Brian Kilmeade.

I would rather eat my own shit.

“No you’re the puppet!”

That’s the Trump playbook, accuse your opponent of what you’ve been accused of so no one knows what to think.

Trent Franks just released a statement about his resignation. It appears he approached two female staffers to act as a surrogate for a child.

My reaction too. Bullshit he’s read that book. Someone in his sphere of existence is a staffer he treats like shit but he also secretly thinks is smart was carrying around that book and Trump’s brain went, “huh. That must be a good one. Tweet and sound smart.”

From the article about Roy Moore (that makes me want to jump out of the nearest window, holy shit America in 2017 is so fucked):

In that same ceremony Trump called Pearl Harbor “a pretty wild scene” like it was some kind of ‘60s love-in orgy.

Literally laughing out loud at the idea of Trump recommending a book. It’s “really good”, he says, but we all know he doesn’t read shit but the Mickey D’s menu and the alt-right twitter feed.

He’s even slurring his tweets now.

It’s “a date which will live in infamy”, in case anyone else noticed that misquote.

First time I saw her in Horrible Bosses I thought “Who is that fine ass redbone?”

Thank you for your kind words. I often speak too hastily out of anger too, I totally get it.