
What, and not eat pizza? What kind of monster are you!?

It’s rude to tell me how to eat my pizza.

oh my god that makes so much sense

probably running an old version of IE which sucks balls at handling html5 and some ones dont run it all. Thankfully nobody cares about ie even microsoft since it went to Edge and every browser supports it natively. I feel for you dude but Flash NEEDS to die.

Flash needs to die.

Sadly, true. Ryan, for instance, is a complete fuckhead. Also, his replacements will be guaranteed to be very, very stupid. We have got to get back the House somehow.

I just read Expecting Better, and the author purports that you’d basically have to adopt 3 kittens to be at increased risk of contracting toxoplasmosis, so keep your kitty, scoop the poop, and don’t worry.

It’s not a debate.

I threatened to punch a friend in the face after he touched my stomach.

I’m pregnant, I drink with dinner, eat lunch meat, drink coffee and GASP! Don’t need anyone’s advice, because I have educated myself on the risks. Thank yoooou.

This is such a tired “debate” and much ado about nothing. Having a glass of wine or a beer while pregnant is not going to hurt anyone or anything. Jesus.

My doctor told me a glass of wine here and there was fine. So during my last trimester I drank red wine occasionally. No more than a glass, glass in a half, and my daughter suffered no ill effects from it.

We do this, also. We call it the “cat blanket” and it layers over our comforter. It’s one of those inexpensive faux fur types that does not coordinate but the cats loooove to knead it and sleep in it. It only comes off for sexing or when I have company and break out bed pillows and arrange everything prettily.

We do the same for the dogs. It really helps.

this...this is genius, actually.

Okay. I have cats. I once had an iud. I wash my sheets once a week. Based upon my experience on earth I say we should all pretend this is fictional whether it is or not, just to spare ourselves how disgusting an idea it is. Seriously. I'm almost dry heaving.