
An snow ridge is an everyday setting here, the snowplow left an ridge between the road and your driveway, its just loosely packed snow but the car see it as an 30 cm high wall.
If its deep snow behind you might even want to enter at some speed to not get stuck.

Or an angry mob of “protesters” is threatening to pull you out of the vehicle and you need to get the fuck out. Ceding control to the car is a slippery slope that I don’t want any part of.

I presume you stopped reading the article at that point, as it goes on to explain specifically why it did not stop. Basically, the human is the boss, and they may override anything with their decisions. This would be useful in a situation where you were, say, faced with a glass store front while an out-of-control

Well thats what happens when you program your driverless car to drive the same as the local residents. It drives like an asshat like everyone else.

play stupid games, get stupid prizes.

Ha, so you look like a 25 year old riceboy instead.

Hah instead you look like a 30 year old rice boy. Much classier. I own a bugeye that makes very loud noises so I look like a 12 year old rice boy.

It still babies, you just live in a nonsense town/state ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Plow through a crowd of bystanders as a sending-off, then trade in your Murderstang and come home with a nice new instrument of innocents-genocide.