Stupid Flanders

To be honest, I've always found the Veyron quite ugly. I admire the engineering that went into it to make it an unmatched machine, performance-wise, but its "buggish" look has always turned me off. If they can change the design (especially that grille) for the better, I might consider one. Then again, "considering

For converting and downloading YouTube video, I always use youconvertit [] No software, easy, and fast. Plus, it offers some additional tools, as well.

The definition of bad driving, in my opinion, is a person who gets in the way of traffic and the people on the road. It's that one person who cares only about herself while driving, even if she has a herd of people lined up behind her. It's that one person who, when making left at an intersection, checks left to see

They had Lamborghini's at the Dream Cruise?

From Pontiac's original press release: "Another unique aspect of this new vehicle is the fact that it will be named by a consumer. Beginning today (March 15, 2008), consumers can visit and submit their name ideas. "As an important part of the G8 family, we know that 'sport truck' doesn't

I might be very stupid and missing something very obvious here, but isn't it possible that once they figured out it was going to be the ST, they decided to 'shop in the name on the original photos of the unnamed El Camino? Why do you assume that the original photos showed a car with an ST badged, and they just

I'd rather have a Grooveshark Lite app. After all, this application accesses music over-the-air, but you're limited to what you and your friends own. With a potential Grooveshark Lite app, you could access a lot more songs in a similar manner.

How would a car know/check if I'm a man or woman?

The headlights might be an improvement, but everything else on the exterior is for the worse. It really looks much worse overall than the current version. I agree the interior seems like a major improvement, but the exterior is quite...ugly.

Still fugly.

A latte? Give that girl a Klondike bar!

I've had Transitions lenses on a few pairs of glasses, and any time you go outside during the daytime (sunny or not), they get as dark as they can. Any sort of UV light makes them darken, which means you're better off if the windows are always tinted. Otherwise, it would be extra money going into something that's

I mean Helicron, not Helicar.

I live less than half an hour away from Oakland University (thus Meadow Brook Theater) and have not managed to attend yet. Maybe tomorrow, though I'll have to find some time. Too bad I missed the former days. I would have liked to see the Saab driving team and the Helicar.

I take back the "Niagara" statement, and I'll rephrase. A search for "niagara" (notice the lower-case "n", which most people don't think is worth capitalizing in a search engine search) yields no results.

"Niagara" yields no results. Also, images for the results that I do happen to get often make absolutely no sense, as the "Lifehacker" example search proves. I really don't think this is more practical than Google. Some people may like this, but I don't think Google should worry, yet, because, honestly, I don't really

James May liked it, so we know it's ugly. For God's sakes, he actually owns a Fiat Panda.

Not to be a rude jerk, but I think you meant Miura, not Muira. It's just offensive to some people.

See, I think that's kind of unfair to Chevrolet and similar manufacturers. When one goes to buy a Chevrolet, they cannot truly be happy (i.e. satisfied), because no one is really happy buying a poor man's car. Because, after all, most people buy a Chevrolet because they cannot afford better. So when one is asked to