Stupid Flanders

Somehow, I can't imagine that first scenario ever occurring the way you describe it. But I won't contradict you because I've never driven on the autobahn, and maybe traffic jams there are as lovely as you describe them.

I don't think I understand what you're trying to say, especially by "when enough people need them for them to make a difference they aren't needed any more." What exactly is different about traffic in which the majority of cars have manual transmissions?

I understand what "the real problem" is, and it'd sure be nice if we could fix it. That would mean no more traffic! But the idea here is to alleviate it, and I'm still of the opinion that having everyone leave a healthy cushion in front of their car in heavy traffic is not only unnecessary, but a bit inconsiderate

Assuming there is a relatively good reason for the heavy traffic, if everyone left three cars' worth of space in front of them, the back-up would be three times longer.

It's very clear to me that Jalopnik drivers despise those who use the left lane for anything but passing. But what exactly should one do on, for example, a three-lane highway in moderate traffic where all lanes are going about 30 mph, with the left lane going 30-35 mph?

While I understand the reason for doing what you do, I think it's somewhat poor "heavy traffic" etiquette to leave so much space in front of you when you are barely moving, just so you can creep along until traffic gets going again. It's somewhat selfish, and it would make traffic a whole lot worse if everyone did the

Somehow, I don't think the rider would've had many friends if he had turned over that footage voluntarily. I'm fairly certain it would've gotten a lot of the riders (perhaps even the one with the camera, we don't know) in trouble. Plus, the cop would've still had to pull him over, and he would've had to find some

Oh, I agree, but I was just saying the cop had a good reason for wanting (not for getting) that footage. His dashcam video alone was fairly useless.

I'm sure he would've much rather preferred hours of HD footage that clearly shows license plates. Dashcam footage like this is hardly clear enough to identify any of the bikers.

It might be that the camera is filming from an especially low angle that you can see it that easily (but it can be argued). This image shows that it's angled quite a bit more than would be necessary to avoid hitting the tire.

Now playing

In case you want to see what the police claim is dashcam footage of the same group. It doesn't really change the fact that this guy should not have been arrested or pulled over for the reason that he was.

I guess there are some apps that take up as much as they have available. But I really don't see why iPhoto would consume that much RAM. But anyway, I'm not arguing—I'll take your word for it, since I don't have iPhoto on Windows.

I can't reply to your new comment, since it's too short, but how does transferring photos into an album consume 8GB of RAM? File transfers are not memory-hogging processes.

QMurphy is referring to RAM, not storage.

The regenerative braking in hybrids and electric cars (Letterman owns a Leaf) isn't quite the same thing as KERS, so it's not that odd that he'd have some questions about it.

I think it's the least we could do.

You're taking quite a leap going from a quote to guaranteeing something. The iPhone 3GS is still being sold by Apple (and it was in concurrence with the iPhone 4 for a while), and that didn't seem to be a problem, because low-res apps worked on the new screen.

It seems that almost everyone who is opposed to wearing seat belts has such a story of a friend of a friend who survived because they weren't wearing one.

But can I trust that the customers who were very much dissatisfied (read: dead) left a negative review?

Of course this is all relatively subjective, but I don't find Conan nearly as funny as Jimmy Kimmel most of the time. It feels as if Conan is trying too hard to be this somewhat silly and energetic host, but it doesn't really seem to come naturally. As for Jimmy, his relaxed style really suits him, and I find both his