
there were atleast three scenes where Kusanagi was naked in the movie. I’m also curious to know if she gonna do those scenes naked.

I totally agree. there’s really no point in making a live-action adaptation as the movie (much like Akira) is perfect as is. but I am still curious to see how the live-action movie turns out.

she is canonically Japanese but Motoko Kusanagi is also a full body replacement cyborg with a generic body which means casting a non-Asian actor is totally fine.

Why is it a problem? I swear I’ll never understand American people and your need to be upset over everything to do with race. Everyone else in the world can appreciate it’s a movie, and some artistic liberties are taken.

No, she’s not Japanese in the anime which is the funny thing. The only people riled up about this are the ones who have never actually seen the show but still somehow feel entitled enough to project their opinion on the casting choices an assume that just because her name is Motoko and she’s in an anime that she must

Since the Major has an artificial body, she technically could look like anyone she wanted to. So, there’s that... I guess.

Literally all galaxies are humongous.

“it’s one of the dimmest galaxies”

You kids are spoiled today with your pixels. Why, when I was a child we’d walk two miles in the snow to the unheated theater to see flat 2D animation and we were happy to have it!

I’m often pleased that Israeli scholars tend to be the first to be frank and analytical about the origin of the texts that make up the Bible. Many people in the United States who go to churches have barely read the thing and would have others believe that God sent his angels down from Valhalla or Mount Olympus and had

Do you even science?

This is a test. You have failed.

“We Finally Know Why the North Pole Is Moving East”

Okay, why does the CIA need to collect DNA from you, or me, or anyone that just lives a normal everyday life?

I must be missing the part where (how) the product reports back to HQ. Whatever the process, this guarantees that I will never buy any product of Skincentia. While I have nothing to hide, I also have no reason to volunteer any info, especially not DNA, to the CIA (or anyone else for that matter).

Can I go invisible yet?

It’s a more “comic book” style pose. And there’s still butt there. Everybody wins.

Oh, well if he’s immortal, I guess it’s not that big a deal.