
Only to see her lose to Trump. The idiot privileged boy who might, in fact, do less damage to the country and the world than Clinton will.

In Soviet Russia, cleavage stares at you.

First: Did you miss the sarcasm tag? Second: What makes you think that we have that technology? At this point, I would think that we would be better off planting weeds, than we would be planting trees.

I’ll bet that you need a razor similar to those used by the Kardashians.

- -Madeleine Davies, That was brilliant and made me spit water on my desk and out of my nose. Thank you for that. So, were they two, smaller holes, or two regular sized holes, or perhaps a mix of the two? Were they both functional?

If we did that, we’d have to wait a long time for results. Were’s the instant gratification in that?!?! /s

Now playing

It’s just like Russia, but without the axes and handheld weapons.

I won’t be buying any autonomous cars. I love driving, way too much, to ever do that.

Do you mean it?

Learn to type, stupid.

What a little prick.


“I wonder if there’s a word in klingon for loneliness.”

“A very established” ________________ Blank? I think “popular theory” are the words you’re looking for.

You want, so much, to be right. But it’s never what you think it is with Martin.

Screw that! Those women are practically saints. Or, do you never look at that stuff online? We all buy that. I’m sure that none of us ever do. Right? I wonder though, what would be a practical application of this technology outside of law enforcement?

That’s a loaded pun, you’ve got there.

Seriously. Why haven’t they just strapped a prosthetic sword to Jaime’s numb arm already?

It was pretty on-point with the human/subhuman ethical dilemas and ironies, in the first season.

Hell yes! Anything Remender, is great these days!!