
Tell that to a crack baby or a retarded baby.

Fuck you and your stupid spoiler headline, you twat. Get a real job.

You’re an idiot, Jeff. You’re not worth my time. Also, adults don’t type “LOL”.

I think that it’s you who needs to read up on American History. The Declaration of Independence was a statement declaring independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. It was not a social contract. It is not a bill of rights or a guarantee of anything. It was a statement made in defiance of a monarchy. That is all.

Tell me, please. What do you suppose the purpose of the Declaration of Independence was?

No. You are wrong. The Declaration and Constitution are separate documents, written for separate purposes. Also, it is not self-evident that all men are created equal, because it is not so. It’s a nice idea though.

Yes, it is.

The Declaration of Independence is not a part of the Bill of Rights or the Constitution.

How so?

Or a climbing and rappelling park.

Scuba training! Hell yeah!

“Watch out for lions!” - African Proverb

I, for one, welcome our new automaton overlords.

That, or you could sell it to Amazon and get more back.

Watermelon, bro. Trust me. It’s the way to go.

I’ve got some crazy bacon induced methane blowouts going on right now. That can’t be good for anyone. It feels good, though.

It’s a good thing I don;t believe in water or rocks! Come to think of it, this article and accompanying comments are probably just figments of my imagination. Thanks, Jesus!

Buy Nestle stock.

Yes you do.

Why does everyone get so racist about sci-fi, superhero, and fantasy movie casting these days? Don’t go see it if it chaps your vagina. Alternatively, you can make your own X-Men movie with the cast that you want.