Stunning Comb Over

Just bring back original Sin Cara(who Rio hates and just quit AAA) and just have them have stupid grudge midcard matches.

Yeah it seems to be the problem because even the woman she has wrestled allot still seem the struggle with it sometimes. It's odd because most male wrestlers train themselves to go against bigger people. It's true allot of the female wrestlers are quite a bit smaller then Charlotte so I guess there is a lack of

Kalisto is so good. Seriously he brings the lucha dragons up to being one of the best tag teams on the main(seriously main tag teams, small it's world is are all pretty great in their own way). I guess he will make a bankable superstar when he has a solo run and if WWE is smart he will go against heel Del Rio to get

It worked so fine before with Eddy(well it did but mostly because Eddy got himself over as a face)

Well improvement is a other thing, when their started they were godawful and nowadays their good to very decent. But seriously The Bella's are leagues below the NXT woman because well they botch(fail a move) all the time and Brie's offence still looks laughable weak nearly all the time. Their not bad but they sure are

NXT tag division is steaming hot since Gable & Jordan entered and the Mechanics became more then faceless jobbers.

'Do we have a marketable latino star since rey left? No, well damm it what's Del Rio up to? He's being a cool asshat on the indies and this other show wrestling fans really like but we aren't really scared of, it's pretty much only guys we fired and a bunch of Mexicans. Why not bring him back to look meaningless but

I love that show even it's badly written sometimes but seriously Bruce failing around as a semi hero for the people is amazing

Ofcourse Jimmy goes around dressing like some kind of Carry On(rauchy British we mean this but were nothing saying it straight filled naughty comedies). Can he be more British.

Yeah before he went injured he seemed to be close to getting called up with that Cena challenge and completer overness of him. Seems most likely he will return for a small bit to NXT and then jump to the main.

Also the post match new day promo was great as always. I can watch Big E near humping rich and then calling him lame all day…

Owens promo have been so good through this feud, also his apple spitting and stuff

Ah I had no idea what the deal was and thought it was wresteling but that's cool. Less cool with him still sitting on the bench while his arch nemesis is mid carding it up on RAW.

Also ghostlock from NIkki's part. Her selling was pretty bad again which is a shame because her selling has improved allot since the 'teams' were formed.

Yeah it sucks, WWE Network in Europe has been unbelievable spotty and laggy lately till the point I sometimes just download NXT because the offical stream keeps locking on a frame for 30 seconds while the sound keeps running.

I am waiting for the series to end, just like table of 3, to binge them in the weekend when I don't have anything to do. Also it's not Norman Smiley but Screamin' Norman Smiley he should change his name to his great WCW name.

'Kids show, kids show, change the channel for kids'. The wonder showzen theme never fitted better then the second seasons of gravity falls.

Well Ko's and Ryback match wasn't half bad but just like the divas match it was well done but really predictable. Also Rollins/Kane match was a tad bit slow sometimes but boy I love chickenshit heel Seth Rollins.

And dance! Which was horrible, also OSW review are the best

WCW cruiserweight division was this bizarro zone of AAA stars, some NJP people and also Daffney and Medusa held it. Also Dean Malenko, because Dean Malenko.