Stunning Comb Over

Crywank are amazing and great people(yes it's not clayton alone anymore, their with three people now). This ep is a bit less anti-folk then most of their output. Clayton's solo 'i'm in my early 20's and everything sucks' masterpiece James Is Going To Die soon is one of the most heartfelt homebrewed slices of music of

Skye is pretty much a dead ringer for 90's Neve Campbell in looks and tone. Which feels a tad bit out of place but Alexandra Socha run with the character so far has been very charming and plays extremely well of Craig Roberts's lead.

Smart drama with some very dark comic overtones against a hip re-hash of Diana Keaton's character in Annie Hall X5 without Keaton's charm or Allen's writing.

It's extremely tiring but hot damm it fixed my lucha underground and my never ending Matt Sydal/Evan Bourne love.


Something something manic obsessive fanbase. Same goes for sherlock. Why not have fun with those people heartstrings because it's easy for me to get tired of people looking into a deeper meaning over every small thing.

Really liked bayley/Sacha again, expect the rest spots all the time during the match which were clearly there to get the Full Sails crowd to shout their stupid stuff.

yeah it's pretty godawful. I really like Danielle's coverage but a couple of asshats have been punching at everything she puts out.

Lindsay's life seems to be on a all time low, Edgar (didn't) ditched her and has a new interest in his life, Jimmy feels like he finally need to the bottom of the barrel writing work he was destined to do and Gretchen is feeling unloved and sneaking out at night.

Yeah the same, still it makes hating on the Raw divas division even more easier which you shouldn't do. Go hate on kevin dunn for not knowing how to book a great array of woman wrestlers(who aren't all up to eachother level but Bella's at least try to be their best last months).

I don't know if your ironic but he has relapsed quite a bit. Even he overall seems to be doing very well you can pretty much set a clock to a drunk Hall doing stupid stuff every so years. This year he got booted from Global Force Wresteling(Jarret's new company) and a indie event where nobody really knows what happend

Yeah it's cool that's it there but I just have acces to the NJP site and archives so mostly watch it through that.

I also think Total Divas is extremely fun, also not just like NXT it airs on normal accessible tv which makes it easier for people to watch(the nxt reviews being stopped through to less views).

Hmm I still don't like the chopey nature of that show. Still i watched wrestle kingdom in full and it was amazing

Yeah that's what I expected also(my stupid booking thingy below here is when the push went ahead full force), it's a logical move because Marie HAS IMPROVED but is still lacking way to much in every aspect of a good wrestler. Then you got Asuka, who is already pretty much over with the crowd(even more with the

Scott Hall is a really odd case. Despite being a terrific worker and very over everywhere he goes, he mostly just crash and burns through personal problems. I think mostly him gunning down a man in what is believed to be self defense left a huge mark on him and him prone to over the top drink and drugs use. It also

*Cue to Daniel Bryan crying in the background*

Her doing both most likely, here is my idea where their going for.

X-pac is so stiff and unsafe, Waltman struggling with his massive ego and drug problems at the time just made him look shit. Still I do like some of stuff he did mostly during his 1-2-3 kid period.

All this stuff is just pandering a crowd who thinks wrestling is stupid. That's why WWE only does business with big charities who people recognize. Also just remember that Komen tried to get their funding withdrawn from Planned Parenthood. Which is a major highly stupid USA Christian dickmove(I'm so glad i'm a