Stunning Comb Over

Just wait till Eva Marie is coming back to RAW, Becky Lynch jobbing out to her will be happening very often.

It seems to be that the Eva Marie push has been lacking allot of force after some vicious non NXT management backing. Because she is just only getting 'go away heat' from the crowd if she is getting any reaction. WWE only doesn't know the difference between Ric Flair heat(the good one) and go away heat(Sheamus pretty

Wholesome shallow fun. That is mostly what the pilot was to me, it's not as cute and stupid as expected it would be but some of it's characters(the son) still seem to be underdeveloped. It might take a while to get the rough boring edges of but Brewster is always a sure shot for these role which again here is the

He is pretty thin for WWE terms, still ripped so you got a point there.

It has Weezer's best non album track ever(You Gave Your Love to Me Softly), Ash's immortal joyfull stupid Kung Fu and the deep extremely sexy voice of Kim Shattuck of the Muffs. What you need more to frat party or feel sorry about yourself.

I'm not a huge fan of the AXS TV show, it's spotty and very made for the internet. Mostly I watch some loose matches from the Japanese broadcasts and the (i)ppv's when I got time for them. But yeah Bullet Club rules, expect the Young Bucks they can SUCK IT. Their one of the most overrated wrestlers on the scene these

She is now the diva with the longest run with wwe right now who still is on the roster(even Natalya got signed a year later then her). Signed in 2006, spent some time in the much missed odd ball school that was FCW and debuted on the main roster in 2008. Still she needs to turn 30 still which is insane.

And a skinny pale looking Irish man who is really nice to everyone that who isn't a Canadian dad(their the worst) and paints himself when he gets angry. Also he found a club while in Japan that all those smart wrestler fans really like.

Alica is great, if she gets the room to work or is not under the Bella team banner. Also she is simply very very very pretty which doesn't influence my opinion about her one bit. No it doesn't. Stop looking at me y'all. *goes hide and cry underneath the bandstands*

Hmm don't know, I guess the knight dynasty is a bit to obscure for RAW. For NXT sure but for Raw it's not something I guess WWE wants to use, even how great it will be.

Shimmer promos are the best because their so extremely lo-fi and awkward. Which is pretty much everything about shimmer, and why i love it, beside the super-b wrestling.

He is pretty much stupid looking power moves. I call him Vincebot 2.0

Good old (Rob) Conway Pops, when the crowd just doesn't care about you even through how hard you get pushed.

He is busy narrating's WWE's network The Monday Night War: WWE vs. WCW. Yes, really. They use Keith David for a self celebrating docu series which is watchable FOR 9.99(and first month free). Speaking of a steady paycheck for David and a waste of talent.

Fellow Dutchman here, so yeah it cracked me up for that reason

Schrimpson, it's Dutch. You should've have said Swedish because it sure sounds allot more swedish

The middle and Raising Hope, both take on Malcom In The Middle's 'down on their luck family with weird small child(well the middle and Malcom) and deadbeat yet loving dads'. It's a golden formula and just great to play around with

Another huge favorite of mine is from the 2008-11-05 Black cradle show which is solo John+Kaki King joining him for lovely Black Tree versions. Also mabye the best version of Going to Georgia

The Mack, while underused is one of the best wrestlers they got on the roster. Huge guy but athletic to beat and really fast. His insane match with Cage sure showed that.