Stunning Comb Over

It's just a very smart take on albert Brooks defending your life. Which is one of the most original comedies ever and this is so great, Kristen bell getting a great showcase again is great and danson never stops being amazing

Yes when he's good he is great, in my top of who's then but most of the time he is pretty insufferable hipster Who with way to much quirky stuff to him

Everything that opens with blasting CCC's around the bend is fine in my book. But seriously this is some of the best adaption of great source material we have seen in ages and boy is the cast a doozy. Even Hendricksgot a pretty rare chance to showcase her acting talent.

A complete waste of a good guest star, stupid Josh hunkering and a very cheap punchline with some ok-stuff about marriage. Weakest episode so far in the whole series for me.

Boy Lungfish, one of the few bands with a flawless +10 studio album run. Brooding smart 'post-hardcore' which is mostly all over the place with Higgs being one of the finest vocalist in the genre backed by a amazing band. Higgs solo work/his work with The Skull Defekts come highly recommended also, same goes for

I just got my network back after a while I didn't have time to watch so many things so that might explain why I haven't seen it. unfiltered and that Corey Graves webseries seem to have no regular release schedule which is a shame because i've enjoyed both so far.

I can watch him shout oedipus layered lines at Kristen Wiig and do some of the finest overacting in years all day long.

Boy that series had one of the strongest lead casts in recent tv history. Larson's part as a (very) troubled teen could be very well in Lifetime territory but man her character went from moaney teen to some of the best written, believable and acted young adults on tv at that moment. In the end in the series she was

Speaking of WWE things beside this horrid Raw is that the network just got Unfiltered with Sasha Banks. Which is delightful and has Sacha talking about K-Pop and other cool stuff

I've been replaying Bomb The Music Industry's Vacation allot lately because it's the album I tend to come back to when I fail at grown up things(it was my first breakup record also which makes it that mostly. i'm so damm young). By far their most downbeat record but damm if your secret track is as good as Don’t

Pieces will be then very up your alley. One of the best made trashy 80's horrors out there and without a moment of dullness allot of the other 'classics' have. It's also for me on par with sleepaway camp because it's hilarious and frighting at the same time, something that is pretty rare.

Izombie reached the point that even their most low key episodes(while expect the end) are still interesting and great tv.

Smart move on WWE side to bring back Shane McMahon, who is by far in kayfabe(and mostly likely IRL) the most liked and respected McMahon with the fans. It brings some nice needed unexpected urgency to all the McMahon stuff happening off late then another time Vince was pretty much drooling over Stephanie. If they keep

I guess it is at least related to the marvellous looking Peewee themed art show he did last year. Also he is busy doing his clothing line Wacky Wacko which has some nice things in it. The Punx are still alive but through Sharon and the clams touring allot+all the other stuff he is involved in it seems like it might

His first solo record which was also under Hunx was a bit like the Punx stuff in a more light setting. It's allot of fun, the new record is a bit more yeah general pop. It''s good but far away from the sheer force of campy goodness he had going with his Punx.

Those ice pegel like earrings Erica was wearing in the Posse scene are pretty damm amazing.

Yeah I know he was close to ending his in ring career and Wrestlemania in his homestate seemed to be his last stop. He is a married father of two childeren so most likely he seemed to financially responsible and most likely WWE will sign him on a legends contract. I won't be odd to me he will be given a try-out for

Just loom at Halt and catch fire's second season which was pretty much the most female led (computer related) drama we ever have seen. It also brought up a great point by none sugar coating the choice between work and family life allot of woman have to choose for.

Just a case of old habits die hard from my part, the show is now called impact wrestling but the company is still called TNA. Which mostly likely has to do with the hassle of changing your name legally.

Also he made the Miz a movie marine because shit-in-bags went AWOL because he wanted out of the Marines. And the WWE got pretty much allot of shit from the marines for trying to cast Orton in that part. I have no idea what they sometimes think or do.