Stunning Comb Over

Dawson & Dash are the wildcard, as are the ROH guys. I like tag wresteling so this is going to be a blast.

Both, pretty much NWA but they remind me quite a bit of
reDRagon in looks and Dragon cut very NWA promos also(…. ROH still is pretty much a fan of NWA erea promos which are simple, get story lines over fast and with emotion. Joe cuts them also quite allot which is great.

Wilder and Dawson are so ROH it's wonderful. I guess they will get their NXT push pretty soon which is cool.

Yeah he was oldschool even in the oldschool erea. I was rewatching some mid 90's WCW Nitro's recently and he is so good in them. It's amazing how batshit that show went around 1997/8 because Nitro from 1995-1997 was amazingly solid. The glittery version of the Horseman ran wild and had some personal changes which made

Yeah Flair can't let his gimmick go, he is like later age Hogan expect he knows to work a freaking promo and now he is mostly on WWE events to give his daughter shout outs. The retirement stuff was GREAT(HBK vs Flair at wrestlemania was just plain wonderful) but he destroyed that premise again completely by working

It's funny you brought up Foley Because him, Austin and Hart are pretty much the guys Vince dislikes but are so over he can't fire them or stop using them because they are so over with the crowd. They still bring in so much money with their archival footage use, odd Network things and merchandise.

Yeah, I mock the Bella's(mostly Brie) for short comings in ring skill, godawful promo skills and some nasty (mostly untraceable rumor based) backstage politics(last rumor was that Nikki through Cena who talked to Vince, prevented the title push of Charlotte straight out of NXT).

No, it's a sad absurd semi reality TLC show(yeah yeah) which is perfect popcorn fodder even it has pretty much nothing to do with wrestling 95% of the time. Pretty much it's Brie and Daniel Brayn being pretty damm cute together, Nikki being privileged and bitchy with Cena, Nataliya being odd and very Hart like but

I guess the steady income, she did fitness/glamour modeling mostly before wresteling which is like all modeling on 'request basis'. She got signed in 2013 which was the year Total Divas started so that is the most likely reason she signed to be the new girl in WWE's odd semi-real life docu soap. Even how much the

It has some valid points but still it sounds like a more mellow 3OH!3 which means it's still godawful.

Yeah. She still looks very lost and stiff in the ring which makes her look way worse then she really is. If she mostly works on a being a safer and more fluent worker she will work fine as a heel expect now she mostly seems to be running down a list and trying not to fuck up. It's common for me at least when your

Seriously the rest of the match was 'fairly decent', Marie missed some spots and still looks like she thinking how every move works or what she needed to do(the kiss stuff). Billie is great, Marie is well 'way below average' even she is nowadays way better then her first run in the company. So her matches are just

Yeah I liked Bliss Vs BP but mostly because it was something not Eva Marie or tag team wresteling.

Weekly dead end NXT thingy: Eva Marie for 2 weeks in a row forgets to kick out, Billie Kay saved the match to a degree with some great work but seriously Marie is not getting over as a heel or as previous established a face

Most likely that would've happen without this going on in a couple of years. Still Snuka seems to have lead himself to the long overdue re-opening of this case.…

This can get very interesting because allot of people have said that Vince tried everything to keep the people silent around this case for ages. Even Snuka semi notes that in his biography. So this could snowball into something very nasty and a quick end of WWE or most likely the end of Vince Jr WWE

That Minogue video is breathtaking, as is she and the still steady stream of great pop albums she makes. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together catches the teenage obsession and hatred perfect in a nice little dreamlike popcorn bubble. As infectious as the song.

Yeah by far, but I feel she will be stuck in NXT for quite a while.

She is like the female 90's WWF MASSIVE SUPERSTAR gone heel(think Lex, think Ahmed Johnson). It's the irony of that I think that draws me to her. Promos getting good heel fire just on the good side of passable

yeah it was but it was made by the same guys who did Xavier Regenade angel