Stunning Comb Over

Yeah I hope so also, Dana Brooke and Emma were fine but now are running kinda on empty which is a shame. No idea if she might return to face which would be a interesting move. My point like you said above pretty much is that they start with establishing feuds again

It was the most anti-anti-comedy on tv which was not a obvious sketch show fragment. Loved it to tiny bits but it is one of the most not funny on prupose acid tripping show Adult Swim ever had. It's beyond stupid and just lives on that. It does crack my sober self in laughter also.

Emma and Bayley are on the same level with pretty much everything expect crowd pops(because Bayley is unbelievable over) so this could lead to a pick up of their old feud which was a bit directionless but good. Still you forget all the really talented and with allot of wrestling baggage(mostly the amazing Shimmer

Sting is still not very good at cutting promos and he knows that so he mostly uses his never ending babyface pops to explain his motives. But still Seth Rollins is a way better wrestler then Triple H in his prime, I'm a huge Triple H mark but that mostly comes through his great gimmick and 'like hell i care' attitude

Haven't gotten around watching raw today but WWE firing Zahra Schreiber is going to be pretty much swept under the rug but is still a very interesting move(…. It's completely justiceable in my opionon because you don't go defend 'hakenkreuze' online in public. In wrestling terms it's a

Just make New Day the the new General Managers's, the authority sthick is getting boring. Throw in teddy long in there and we get some great promos again.

His wiki now says Craven was killed in his sleep by Freddy Krueger on August 30, 2015. It's a sad passing because even not all his work I still think The People Under the Stairs is one of the best 90's horror movies out there.

It's their rebooted team name because The Mechanics weren't cool enough or something. I always liked that name but it does sound quite a bit jobber like. Seems like through the recent dry running state of the tag division they try to give them a bit more personality(the rocky red Russian training jackets and Scott

NXT Thread because why not:

The Jerk is the godfather of all obnoxious black(hah) comedies and makes me laugh every time I see it. For the rest some of his stuff is godawful most isn't. My Blue Heaven is a great crime-comedy with some great use of Rick Moranis which is pretty rare.

Still yeah I way more excited about the Dubley's returning then every Lesnar/Undertaker return because Dubley's still are top of their game. Lesnar seems to get lazier every match(expect the Japan match which was great) and Undertaker is just not up the game to it anymore. Still I get your point, RAw mostly seems to

A good raw. A rapid Heyman promo with a absolute great Bo Dallas break in. Trombone soundtracked tag team match, the long overdue return of my favorite tag team of all time(seriously these guys are still as good as during their ECW run and i'm not a huge ECW fan but damm Dudley Boyz are so amazingly tight, expect

Been watching quite a bit of the 'development shows'(velocity, metal, heat) and it's odd to see so much indie darlings and odd match ups in there. Really seems WWE was trying everything to keep their sailing around that time.Like Colt Cobana's small WWE run in mostly progams like that

If TNA's Winter is coming over i'm completely down with that.

Still the Bellas botch all the freaking time and are the main reason why the NXT divas need to slow down there matches(well beside Tamina).

Stop cheating Lana, Summer Rea will keep beating your ass if you keep doing it.

Yeah most likely, FCW used to use allot of copyrighted music and its the proto-nxt but it aired on pretty obscure networks. Also in later years they toned that quite a bit down.

4 hours was to much so I need to watch it later but did Rollins let millions of children cry? That's cool