Stunning Comb Over

Summer Rae 'the lana version' is by far the best Summer Rae so far. Also there making Lana look way more USA recently which will ofcourse lead to her face turn. Or well full face turn.

Also make the puppet wear Indian Headdresses like Monk did in the USA part of Family Tree.

I love how there is a rumor that Vince bought a house in Greenwich and his neighbors looked down on him because he made his money through wrestling. As a very Vince revenge he made up the Hunter Heamsley gimmick.

Lana but yeah that is a other story sold Rusev over the moon and now he is killing it alone.

Yeah it's a pattern, a pretty bore inducing one at best. Yeah I never got why they didn't give him a manager because he would be even more over then his 'lower-maincard' position right now.

His moveset is just great, a bit to big yes but great. But seriously even after 12 years or something with WWE he still cuts boring bland promos which go nowhere and flunks his lines.

Yeah, it seems the real Reigns is shining through like he used to do in the shield before he became POWER MAN and his push failed placing him in the sucking vacuum between mid and main card.

It just looks very funny to see this huge suited guy who looks most of the time he doesn't want to be here come out to a loud Motorhead song.

Why didn't WWE pushed this version of Roman Reigns. The self-aware slighty goofy powerhouse who is getting more over with the week.

Paige is allot of the times slower looking then Alicia Fox who is pretty much the wildcard in the divas right now. Entered under the old Divas regime but pretty much the only up par to on technique with Paige against the NXT divas.

It's extremely cool that they pretty much open raw with the three superstars with a ROH past and then get Orton in there with some of his best promo cutting. Jerk orton is the best Orton. Also why is Triple H's theme music still Motorhead, it's hilarious looking at this point.

I'm not a Orton fan, he has two modes: extremely great matches and oh god were doing this again/oh boy why is this happening. Mostly mode 2 the last years but this match was excellent. ALso I heard Sheamus has a Concussion which means he might be out of the running for a bit

Yeah they have, even resorting to the laughable fake crowd noises to get a fake pop out of the homecrowd.

OH YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH. Also Jeff Jarret's punchline was using the word slap nuts. It's easy to see how he found TNA.

Yeah i was a bit short handed in the first comment on this but I agree with your points mostly. This isn't going to be going into it deep and only about the raw divas because i'm leaving on vacation

Yeah it rules, I miss the shield as much as any smark. I really like Rollins championship run so far because he's pretty now everything he was fighting against as The Shield but still remaining a cheating human weasel. even through all the overexposure, long promos, Randy Orton/Kane/Big Show matches he is pretty much

The yes chant is overplayed and well going the What? way. It's funny because here are two wrestlers with great WWE careers who after much lower key careers(Austin in WCW/before that and his early WWE gimmick and Brayn's amazing indie career) got stuck in great wwe gimmicks with godawful catchphrases. Love Bryan,

I despise it also it's always funny to see Austin's face when fans are screaming it in the older Raw's. He was tired of that shit pretty soon.

That is also a hobby of mine, playing ppv's while I do choirs. Nothing is nicer to drone out the sound of doing the dishes then a godawful Hulk Hogan match(yeah i'm slowly crawling through the polarizing 80's wrestlemanias).

Because most likely that spot was reserved for a Cena/Rollins promo but since Cena is injured this must been a quick throw together match. Which is fresh because we haven't seen it on Raw yet.