Stunning Comb Over

Yeah, he isn't very fluent and his moveset is quite limited. Also his finisher is so over used it lost it's impact with the crowd. Their still using fake crowd sounds when he entered tonight which just plain sucks.

Bellas vs team 'sexual fetish name' was good even it shows how mediocre at best the Bellas are. Half of the moves Charlotte/Becky hit on the Bella's where pretty much none or oversold. Also Brie moves like Eva Marie, she hits the moves but it just looks like she has a gamepad controller locked up to her with Nikki

He is in really good shape also, here he is doing parkour(…. Also he seems game which is cool, a good crossover are rare but when their done right their a nice little oddity.

It's really cool in my opinion, here are way less sexualized(god I don't miss The King on raw a bit) 'divas'. Who just through pure athletic skill and likable personas are a different role model then most of the other divas. I just love that Bayley's gimmick is 'be positive and hug people' which is a great thing to

Heck Reigns is bland in persona but a above decent wrestler, coupling him with one of the loudest and over wrestlers in the Raw roster right now helps allot.

Yeah same can go (in somewhat lesser measure) for people like Ric Flair,
Superstar Billy Graham(who was mostly in the WWE/WWF one year at the time and then left all the time). WWF's hall of fame (not legend but yeah waht WWE want's to make out as legends) also include people like Mil Máscaras who have only about 6

Nah because you started about polka dotted Dusty. NWA Dusty was amazing, a fairly just above average wrestler who made it up with endless great promos and perfect playing the fans. Also here's jimmy hart playing some mean 60's pop beat…

I remember some WCW wrestler talking about the time Haku was mazed and he just went straight unfazed to the guy that mazed him and threw him to the ground.

Yeah. There has been allot of rumors it was a spite gimmick made up by Vince because he came over from WCW which doesn't seem unlikely. Also he got these ridiculous promos where he went to for example a butcher shop(… and walking around shirtless expect with a apron. They look really like

And Wendi Richter, Sherri Mantel and Vivian Vachon out of their woman division.

Yeah, well I always liked the common man gimmick because Rhodes took that godawful gimmick and ran it to the moon getting him amazingly over.

Most of the 1980's WWE roster was taken from bought NWA promotions because vince didn't care for old timey rules.

Best and most racist heel move ever was him painting himself half black and out of kayfabe he couldn't remove the paint

Yes, even how awkward Legends house was allot of the time(mostly through Mean Gene being horny) it made for some interesting and even touching television.

Says everyone

Beside being the coolest guy in THE FREAKING legends house and one of my all time favorite promo cutters Piper was the perfect 80's heel superstar. Rip one of the best heels ever.

I like them because their relate-able underdogs who are good at what they do but still need to prove to everyone that they are good. Even the promos been stilted a bit they work already fine like a pair, the early creepy Gable towel promos before they joined where great also.

Yes! I mean blond readhead outro's are the bet, just look at rick and morty's first season final