Stunning Comb Over

First season of You're was one of my favorite comedies in recent years. Can't wait for more Lindsay misery and Edgar chokeholding people

Offerman looks like he ran away from inherent vice. For the rest boy if it's even half as good as the first season it will be amazing tv.

Booooh, it's hard to get into but oh boy it's so much fun. Excellent voices, odd yet great to look at animation and a nice balance between insane and clear minded characters.

Yeah she is great and doesn't need a trainer but she is pretty much (like Eva) still on the main roster like you said even she does way more NXT tapings. WWE should stop confusing me.

Like previously Emma did when she was on the main roster only.

Ah yeah good point. The stuff I saw from that so far has been uhm….comforming of catching her speed up.

That period is one of favorite WWE 'stables'. It's just before the interesting slump WWE got into the mid 90's which had some odd imports from ECW and other places.


As much as I love the undertaker's gimmick he is getting really old and his in ring movement is becoming very stilted(just look at the Wrestlemania borefest). Might be through I never watched allot of his 90's stuff but I find Undertaker matches as boring to watch as Reigns/Wyatt last night. With the only good part


Nada zero. Like none come to my Anglo-Dutch/Belgium hybrid mind. All sitcoms are in the native tongue(which is Dutch/French in Belgium and Dutch in Dutchland), it's mostly because their heavy on wordplay and Dutch being one of the hardest Germanic languages doesn't help the translating project.

You know there are some training vignettes but their mostly stuck in total divas(here…, it's short but she can't take a decent bump from Kendrick as it seems.

Yeah, it's throwing her to the lions in that aspect on NXT. Since Vince doesn't seem to watch NXT and she is clearly a favorite of Sr this could mean some harsh moments ahead. Seriously like I said before some weeks back in the comments here, she started training 2 years to late for a very rare job she got for her

Let Crow hack him and make him run into a wall. That would make his hacker gimmick something good.

Steiner's promos are ,how bad they sometimes where, always extremely fun. Eva's complete wooden movement and lack of any charisma is not

It's really obvious but it also means allot of praise, because early Kurt Angle was amazing. One of my favorite WWE gimmicks ever with the over confidence face who turns heel through that in the progress. One of the best ringworkers WWE had in that erea by a longshot also. Even TNA Angle is great(here comes me the

If you want to see his mat game(which is excellent) check this weeks opening match.

Pure JFA worship is still Night Birds thing I hear. That's not a bad thing at all.

I love how eva marie tries to be bitchy but just comes off as a mild mannered 'nobody likes me' queen bee from high school. I love how there were some boos but most of the crowd was just not caring a little bit.

I sure hope Gable is going to get a great single run in NXT. The tagteam is a good step but damm Jordan is a ok to decent wrestler who is godawful on the mic and Gable even was great on the mic before his 'debut'. Gable's old school style is so good, he is like a more spunky Bob Backlund.