Stunning Comb Over

It isn't, it's slightly better but also way different. Not allot to compare here even their Lynch themed episodes is some of my favorite tv of this year so far.

Watch out he will start rapping again, that's pretty heelish

The best showcase of the comic voice talent on this show so far. Bamford over stressed but well meaning Carol had some of the best moments with her romance with Partybot.

I loved Babylon but indeed it mostly dragged itself out for making fun of 40's 'serious movies' and Welles oeuvre. As much as I love Casa de mi padre that also brought it down a notch for me just for feeling a bit to lazy with writing. Did love Haley Joel Osment and Tim Robbins in it, also Kristen Wigg's sthick is

I hope it's Big Poppa Pump. Scott Steiner in Lucha would be the most insane and wonderful thing ever, no-selling moves to cage.

He had one fast match with Tyler Breeze earlier this year, for a first match it was good.

A Kurt Angle lite guy, also a ex olympian whose been hilarious stalking jason jordan the last weeks.

He drawded with Owens and Cesaro, lost by submission from Rusev, got pinned by Rollins, pinned by Brock lesnar and got beaten(not clean) by neville. He mostly lost matches last year through feuding with Randy Orton, who might be the only superstar who gets even more pushed then Cena.

WWE's brilliant move of making Cena not a superman anymore, letting him loose matches regularly and making him a more relateable/fleshed out character has been so much fun.


Extremely skilled, good on the mic and by far one one of the most beautiful divas. Heck even she is being pushed by tagging up with the Bella's, it's still better then no psuh.

They did bring back Rhino who was cut in 2005(through 'behavioral reasons') and spent nearly 5 years in TNA. So yeah even it happens rarely it still seems to happen. Again yeah I totally agree it's highly unlikely EC3 gets signed to NXT or WWE in general. Most likely if TNA goes bust he will go to Japan because the

They should fire JBL, King and Michael Cole also because they aren't the most pleasant against LGBT people also.

If TNA ever goes broke they got a ready made great feud between EC3 and Rockstar Spud(who is excellent also). Throw in some lost midcard people like Cody Rhodes/Way Barret and you got a excellent piece for smackdown.

Yeah I meant if TNA went bust. I loved NXT in the days he was on but it was this odd little hipster revue show pretty much with some matches in there.

You remember that time WWE fired EC3/Bateman beside him being so over with the fans and having great matches? Good times. The rumor mill has been running wild about TNA lately but as much as I hope so a return from EC3 to WWE seems unlikely because that is pretty much admitting you made a mistake. Vince doesn't do

I guess he will be a excellent midcarder, to get great matches about new people getting a push.

The lower card(every match beside the great tag team ending) this week was interesting. Vaudevillains were indeed very indie wresteling this week and all their moves just seemed a little to plotted but it's nice to see the Mechanics again. Also them against Caz/Enzo next week should be fun. I am getting over Dana

He just in time for the promotion in TROUBLE TROUBLE TROUBLE TROUBLE TROUBLE

I watched Slammiversary the other night which was kinda sad(mostly the main event) but I enjoyed quite some of the matches. Mostly the Magnus one