Stunning Comb Over

I love how 20 minute promos are the norm every week and everyone just moans about it. I understand it's hard to fill out a 2+- hour program but yeah it mostly makes me just want to skip through that stuff.

I bet Matthew Perry kidnapped that genie lamp to make the Odd Couple strangely decent

That's the reason he isn't allowed to be near scissors anymore!

Sami Zayn watches while Finn Baylor makes a lego ship and hangs out with A-train/king tensai/the new nxt head trainer. If something speaks feelings and real friendship it's that.

Yeah I had the same, which is good because there are some people in there that I don't mind returning. Also he can always go the Lucha way and team up with a diva.

Good work Sycho Sid!

Hah Cassidy's ryback cut t-shirt was a blast to see. That TED reference was spot on. Also Jason Jordan seems to be the vessel for bringing the non-active NXT roster back in action. It's a simple but good idea and it works. Sylvester Lefort looks great and is good in ring so it's nice to see him again. Also great

Shame one of those guy has the worst gimmick in NXT right now. How much I hate Mojo, the match was extremely decent so that's cool. It's also nice to see some non jobber new blood in the NXT tag roster.

Bob Holly in general was/is a stiff and a petty worker(taking real life grudges to the ring). Still into semi-hazing the new kids(…

Not really. He is known as like said above one of the safest big guys. Also here is a looping gif of him throwing a chair against the miz because well, it's hilarious(….

God Big E's cape is the coolest thing ever, it makes him look like a superman villain.

Seems Vince has been watching Lucha because the yellow/black lighting of the room were Wyatt was in reminded me off the backstage Lucha stuff. Still it mostly is a simple angle that feels more in place during the Attitude area. It's not bad but not interesting in my opinion also, they like said above destroyed Wyatt's

Seriously I don't think Brock is the second coming of the god of war wwe wants you to believe he is. But with Paul Heyman on our tv again i'm completely fine with these promos.

Shame Ziggler been putting the pressure on WWE with not singing his contract because he doesn't like his storylines or losing to Sheamus all the time.

Great hybrid of British and American comedy. Realistic and raw without being the USA kind of brass where it just feels acted. I hear people say allot about excellent Pulling here but Horgan's role in the original UK version of Free Agents is a blast also. Pretty much her playing of Stephen Mangan is comedy gold.

In McMahon logic that is hornswoggle becoming rabid and being put in a cage ringside.

I love how pretty much 2 minutes of the match was Puma setting up tables on Mundo's previous tables. It was the moment where me and my none wrestling watching roommate where having a gaint laugh and thinking how awesome this is.

No thanks, here is a really interesting docu about her time in Shimmer promotion wresteling under her real name and the jump to WWe.…