Stunning Comb Over

Their so bland it's hard to tell. Like their first real heel thing was that stupid fight in the hall some weeks back.

Which she is working hard on, still it takes time but I can't say her NXT run been bad. It's not Eva Marie!

That Devon bitchface was the perfect punchline for it

Ah yeah I feel the same a bit about Carmella even I really enjoyed her mic work. She is still showing allot of progress so that makes it even sweeter when she finally gets in the organic vibe of the team and cutting promos.

Samoa Joe sure knows how to cut a extremely good 80's WCCW promo

She's been in all the WWE 'different storylines' for a while and it's so hard to keep track. Still I also like face Emma, I just like Emma in general.

Opening with a Big Enzo and Cass sure remind me why I love watching NXT. Carmella's part was good also, she is allot better on the mic then most NXT divas these days. Also there finally setting up Blake and Murphy as real heels. About time.

I want to make a old yeller joke now but it just makes me sad inside.

I really enjoyed Prime Time Neville so yeah, why not make 2 more 'freebird' teams. That would be fun.

Mostly a valet because the run was kind of short to really make them in ring partners. The jobbing is godawful but she is luckily getting a break from that in the bizzaro world that is NXT.

Ah that's well odd, with pretty much kevin Owens's keeping his nxt personane and Emma just being a face. I don't really watch main event allot same goes for smackdown. Well they tried to get here over as a valet and it backfired, hard.

Also hey Emma is backstage at Raw again wearing a very cute dress. Is she getting another push or something. Divas segment was nice for a change giving some of the lesser seen divas a nice spotlight moment. Also HIGH SCHOOL POLITICS! WOOT!

Poor Wade Barret. Speaking about being burried, losing two matches in a row to r-truth. If you can even call this one a match. If they are setting him as a 'going on rampage heel' this is great but I guess they won't.

Good night common man, the American dream. Next weeks raw will only be Dusty finishes in tribute.

Dude looks like he fronts a bad metalcore band. Makes me laugh everytime.

Also that Finn Balor promo was the most 90's thing they did in a while. Still i'm so extremely excited for the Japan coverage.

Daydream is a ace record also. Starting with Fantasy, the sultry low R&B of Underneath the Stars and then following it up with this master of a slowjam.

They seem to. I liked the whole king of the ring stuff but I don't get why their bringing Miz tv and burying Wade Barrett in the undercard. It's a shame because Barret when well booked works like a charm and he is a great talker. Now he mostly stumbles around in his cape fighting the likes of Fandago and R-Truth.

Boy i don't know why I watch Raw anymore. This wasn't to bad but bland is a nice term for it. Loads of decent matches, even more signs Vince hates Wade Barrett and the debut of the 'new tagteam' of two beardy guys. It just was a void of 2,15 hour.

No they never do that because his t-shirts sales are insane. If he's outselling Cena that would be hilarious if they put him back in NXT.