
Is that Ali Fucking Larter? That’s Ali Fucking Larter!!!!!! ‘90's!!!!!!

I was a little embarrassingly excited when I saw this post because I thought that legitimately was Hillary Duff, and I’ve always been a closet fan. And then I click and find it is something far more sinister. And now I am sad. Damn you plastic surgery.

Damn. I can’t help but wonder if there is/was a better photo out there that didn’t relegate the “blackest lives” to the back. Hmm...

This is easily the worst thing I've ever read, and I've read Franzen.

Your mom is not normal.

Remember that whole “Seahawks fans are more than fans” letter that lady wrote a while back? She was right. They’re also racist. A “fan” would know when they were staring at Kam fucking Chancellor.

Also, remember that time back in the beginning of season 6 when the idea of just burning all the zombies up in the quarry was floated and Rick and co. decided it wasn't a good idea? Soooo why was it a good idea last night?

Completely agree. This episode was contrived and just plain trash. Anybody wanna explain how the hell Darryl MURDERS a man in complete silence just out of view of at least 10 people, 8 of which want him dead (supposedly), retrieves a motherfuckin rocket launcher from inside the big ass truck, aims and fires it (did he

Oh that shit happens all the Tecmo Bowl.

Apparently Kristen Stewart herself has a particular set of skills? I'd guess of the beej variety.

He wanted more and he's gonna get it. Right up his deserving ass.

Is it too early to start calling this whole Microsoft debacle #billgate(s)?

Interestingly enough she's disappointed, as I'm sure the Academy thought they'd done their job by giving her that job.

I’m convinced the Oscars are now trolling us all, also what the added caveat of “What will Chris Rock do” to boost their ratings, because in what WORLD does Straight Outta Compton get nominations for nothing other than it’s (white-persons written) screenplay, which happened to be the WORST part of the film? Hmm...

2 out of 32 seems like a pretty bad example to make your case.

**obligatory JPP joke that I’m still writing anyway**

This. Or maybe Hayden Christensen just sucks dick at acting.

Heaven: a Men In Black-style flashy thing built into the flash of the camera, wiping not their memory, but their actual existence from everything.

Wack Snyder does it again. This looks like a clunky CGI fuck-fest of a mess.