
I'm almost positive that when this dude was fat he had ZERO opinions on shit. Dropped a few pounds and now he's Confucius? Confucius say Richman immediately return to battle with 28 pound waffle. Stuff mouth and shut the fuck up. For reals.

Ahh...Man vs Life. Life won.

How dare you try to steal my internet thunder with your logic and shit. Do I come to your job and kick dicks out of your mouth? Not that this is my job and all, but come on son :)

Is it me or does that pic of Alec And Hilaria Baldwin look midly pedophilic? Either he's gargantuan or she's fucking disturbingly small. Ugh. Also, can we get on the sheer hilariousness of the name Hilaria? The balls on her parents jeez...

And maybe, just maybe, instead of money, those titties deserved four thumbs down. #feministproblems #imdone

Oh, and let it be stated for the record that #stripperproblems is the saddest thing of all time of 2014. She should follow that with #cryforhelp #ahugfromdadcouldvepreventedthis

I think the most appropriate response to this young lady's claims is simply "but you're a stripper."

GOD AWFUL??? **spoiler alert** but Optimus Prime sacrificing himself in the '86 movie was a childhood defining moment. Right up there with boob-spottage. Clearly Tim the reviewer isn't an 80's child, otherwise he'd understand. Kids these days......

NBA fashion has officially become a series of gargantuan-sized individuals trying their damnedest, for whatever reason, to look worse than their nearest competitor. Using my awesome psychic abilities, in the near future Westbrook and D-Wade will show up to a game in special edition Air Jordan high heels and hair

What about the phrase "Tall, dark, and handsome?" If white people didn't Columbus that shit, they sure like using it wrong...

Wait, exactly who is offended by this?