
Some people believe it was never supposed to be ONE BIG COUNTRY. It’s a tight union of Independent States.

Or just make fun of his dick.

Great article. Identity politics feeds exclusionary behavior and fosters a type of “reverse racism”.

Me too. And I continue to perpetuate that idea every damn day with my daughters, thank you very much.

They’re all wieners. I mean they all have wieners.

You do the Lord’s work. Snacktaku is the best goddamned thing on the internet (but you knew that).

Hey, Mr. Big Man Copadoodle Dum Dum,

Because only about 25% of people actually get off their fat asses and go vote. The People get the government we deserve.

Honestly, I blame Congress for this shit. For short-term political gain, they’ve been slowly ceding power to the Executive Branch for more than 50 years. It’s time to cut the Executive Branch back down to size and get some of those checks and balances back. We don’t elect a king, goddammit.

Thanks, Obama.

Stay engaged. Hound your local politicians. In our government of the people, power trickles up. Believe it or not, we hold all the cards. We have the power although we rarely use it because, as you said, we’re too busy posting emoticons and calling it activism.

Just because somebody settles a case doesn’t mean they’re guilty. Until you know actual facts, Ms Wu, I’d suggest staying out of it.

Fuck you.

Compared to Trump, GW was a fucking wordsmith.

Don’t be ashamed; organize your people.

Me too.

Ironically, you’re almost acting like a bigot when you question people’s intentions without actually knowing them. Just because they look different than you, or maybe have some differing opinions about specific issues, you shouldn’t look down on them or feel superior because their skin isn’t as dark as yours. They

Hah! So true. Kids are the worst.

My favorite thing was when the pro-life women showed up to lend support to the women’s march and people tried to kick them out. They were there to SUPPORT the cause but because they held a different opinion on one issue, other so-called feminists wanted them run off.

It’s usually a bunch of old guys pining for the post WWII era. They sit around and watch old movies and get the feels.